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Three autumn technologies to increase the output of spring tea
Spring tea is the highest-yield and best-quality tea in each season of the year. Increasing the quality of spring tea is the key to increase the economic benefits of tea production. (1) The basic principle of "Sanqiu" technology. "Three Autumns" technology refers to the use of chemical fertilizers in autumn and autumn, autumn tea (three teas) to leave large leaves, and autumn leaves are lightly trimmed. Autumn Schiff base plus chemical fertilizer: It strengthens the nutrition of the wintering buds of tea trees, which is conducive to the longevity of spring tea in the following year, thus increasing the yield of spring tea and also benefiting the increase of production of summer and autumn tea. Autumn tea (three tea) leaves large: This measure uses the characteristics of the tea tree harvesting and hair, early (spring and summer tea) with the method of mining fish leaves, in order to promote the tea tree more germinated, and more harvested. Autumn tea leaves three tea leaves to protect the tree vigor and promote the growth of spring tea in the following year. After the autumn tea light pruning: in the absence of frost damage on the premise of early shear healing, the following year can be early germination, early mining, increase germination round. (2) The practical application of "Sanqiu" technology. Qiu Shiji fertilizer and chemical fertilizer: In the autumn when basic fertilizer is applied, 20% of nitrogen fertilizer is added under the premise of not increasing the annual top dressing dosage, and it is added in the base fertilizer at the same time. The time is from September to October. Fertilization ratios were: base fertilizer l/3, top dressing 2/3 fertilizer, top dressing 40% before spring tea, 20% before summer tea, 20% before 3 tea, and 20% with autumn tea base fertilizer. The autumn tea (three teas) leaves large leaves: three teas and four teas, with three teas taken from July to August, and four teas taken from September. The specific leaf-retaining technology is spring tea, summer tea, and four tea leaves with fish leaves. After autumn tea light pruning: after the end of the autumn tea (October) that is, light pruning, pruning degree of local conditions appropriate to be flexible, generally cut flat picking surface can achieve the desired effect.