Pear tree pruning in winter takes place from December after the pear tree leaves in the same year to before budding the following year. Disclaimer: Some articles on this website are transferred from the Internet. If you have third party legal rights, please inform this website to deal with them. phone Venlo structure is a popular one at present. This architecture uses horizontal girder as main bearer, forming a stable structure with columns. There is consolidation between horizontal girder and column, and hinge is used to connect column and foundation. Pc Board Venlo Greenhouse,Venlo Greenhouse,Venlo Type Pc Sheet Greenhouse JIANGSU SKYPLAN GREENHOUSE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD ,
Pear tree pruning methods in winter are based on the growth characteristics of pear trunks, strong apical advantages, strong budding power, and weak branching strength. The fruit characteristics of short fruiting branches are the main factors. Mastery of small and large trees should be trimmed more heavily. , Wang Shu should be light or not cut the principle. Second, according to the size and strength of the pear tree, the pruning of the tree is considered, especially for different types of branches, different cutting methods should be adopted.
1. Backbone branches: The main branches, sub-main branches or other branches on the main branches shall be pruned mainly with short cuts. The pruning amount shall be appropriately increased, and the main branch angles shall be taken by supporting, pulling and hanging.
2. Branch group: It is the location of the fruit. The branch group that has been fruited in successive years should be kept strong and weak, and updated in time. Those branches that are horizontal, oblique and grow moderately and have full flower buds still allow them to grow naturally. Those with too many flower buds and new shoots growing short and weak should be appropriately short-cut, and thin and weak branches should be thinned. Those who are debilitated should be retreated more heavily.
3. Keeping branches: Where there is space in the canopy of the tree canopy, especially the vacant spaces between backbone branches at all levels, try to keep as many branches as possible. , Flower bud short in the second year), or retract after fruiting. If it affects the growth of the backbone branches, you can increase the angle, go straight to stay oblique, go strong to stay weak, and slowly release the results.
4. Fruit stand, short fruit branch: The fruit stand of the pear tree often sheds 1 to 3 auxiliary shoots. When pruning, it can be sparse and left one, or one short and one left. It can bear fruit and there are preparation branches. For short fruit branches, Pruning can be based on the total tree load to determine the amount of short fruit branches, thinning out excess short fruit branches, when the tree is weak, we must pay attention to thinning weak branches and weak buds. In addition, the leaves and branches should be kept strong and weak, and diseased insects, dry branches and dense branches should be thinned out.
In Venlo greenhouse, foundation is made of reinforced concrete and the side wall is made of brick or reinforced concrete plate. The steel frame always use hot dip galvanized light steel. Roof beam adopts horizontal girder structure and using herringbone connection. The horizontal girder bears 2 or more roofs, which is made of aluminum alloy. This material is used as roof structure material and also glass inlay material. Other beams using gutter style to minimize the section. Delighting material of the roof and side wall using the hollow double-layer or multilayer PC board.
PC board is mainly made of PC/PET/PMMA/PP materials, it need sun screen coating to resist ultraviolet resist and ageing, and it is also required to be anti condensation and antidrug.
As a kind of light material, use PC board can greatly reduce the weight of greenhouse structure, and corresponding reduced the size of the steel frame, which saving the cost of steel.