Fermentation process of organic fertilizer starter


Jinbao Ferment Fermenting Agent is a microbial strain of fertilizer decay agent produced and sold by Beijing Huaxia Kangyuan Science and Technology Co., Ltd. using the methods of the Academy of Military Sciences. It mainly increases the number of strains and promotes the decomposed material by artificially screening, purifying and rejuvenating the natural world. , It can ferment a variety of materials: animal excrement, litter, domestic garbage, bark, sawdust, distiller's grains, straw, etc., the operation is very simple, that is, mixing the bacteria and materials to adjust the moisture to 60%, then do heap fermentation, regular Turn over a few times.

The fermentation process is metabolized by microbial activity, generates temperature, mineralizes and humifies organic matter, and becomes organic fertilizer that plants can use directly. The process is complex and diverse, but temperature is a process we can intuitively see, so in general we can use temperature to grasp and judge the quality of fermentation. In the actual process, we can judge the degree of our fermentation based on the following temperature changes.

The fermentation process of the Golden Baby organic compost can be simply divided into the following 4 stages:

(1) During the initial stage of composting during the heating stage, the microorganisms in the compost are mainly medium-temperature and aerobic, and the most common are non-spore-forming bacteria, spore-forming bacteria, and mold. They start the composting fermentation process, under the aerobic conditions, the decomposition of easily decomposable organic substances (such as simple sugars, starch, protein, etc.), generate a lot of heat, and constantly improve the compost temperature, from about 20 °C to 40 °C, said For the heating phase, or in the temperature phase.

(2) In the high-temperature stage With the increase of temperature, good-heat microorganisms gradually take the place of the mesothermal species and play a leading role. The temperature continues to rise, generally reaching 50°C or more within a few days, and entering the high-temperature stage. In the high temperature stage, actinomycetes and thermophilic fungi become the main species. They strongly decompose the complex organic substances (such as cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin substances, etc.) in compost, and the heat accumulates. The compost temperature rises to 60-70°C, and can even reach as high as 80°C. Microorganisms also have a large number of deaths or dormancy (more than 20 days), which has a very important role in accelerating compost maturity. Improperly composted compost, which has only a very short period of high temperature, or does not reach high temperatures at all, is therefore very slow to decompose and does not reach the half-ripe state within six months or longer.

(3) Cooling phase When the high-temperature phase lasts for a certain period of time, most of the cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin have been decomposed, leaving difficult-to-decompose complex components (such as lignin) and newly formed humus. The temperature gradually decreased. When the temperature drops below 40°C, moderate-temperature microorganisms become dominant again.

If the cooling period comes early, it indicates that the composting conditions are not ideal and the decomposition of plant material is not sufficient. At this time, it is possible to turn the heap and mix the accumulated material so that it generates a second heat and warms up to promote compost maturity.

(4) Decomposing and composting After composting, the volume shrinks, and the temperature of the heap drops to slightly above the air temperature. At this time, the compost should be compacted, resulting in an anaerobic state, which weakens the mineralization of organic matter to facilitate fertilizer conservation.

In short, the fermentation process of organic compost is actually the process of metabolism and reproduction of various microorganisms. The metabolic process of microorganisms is the process of organic matter decomposition. Decomposition of organic matter will inevitably produce energy that drives the process of composting to increase the temperature while drying the wet substrate. If in the actual process can not be in accordance with the changes in the temperature process in the four, it shows that there is a problem with the operation, you can promptly call the Beijing Huaxia Kangyuan Technology Co., Ltd., toll-free hotline

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