How to save potatoes without sprouting How to prevent potatoes from sprouting


How to save potatoes without sprouting

1, bag storage: If the winter consumption of 50-100 kilograms of potatoes, the residence is more suitable, put the potatoes into a plastic bag, bag mouth put 10 cm tide black soil, do not dry, fresh and non-spicy.

2, box storage: box storage for the city, the carton or large wooden box to sit at the corner, the bottom of the box pad 15 cm high wood or brick, to prevent the bottom of the damp, put the potatoes into the box, cover 15 cm thick black soil, keep Fresh, non-spicy, sprouts slow.

3, outdoor storage: dig 2.3 meters deep in the outdoor cellar, according to the length and width of the number of self-definition, cellar bottom pad 2 cm thick small gray, for disinfection, remove the pit floor soil odor, cellar cover, keep good Cellar door, put the potatoes into the pit. In late October, potatoes are covered with 15cm thick black soil, moisturizing, not frozen, if the cellar is shallow, the top cover of black soil 20-30 cm thick, cellar door is not easy to seal early, in early November to half of the cellar cover half, Ventilation and ventilation. If the temperature inside the cellar is high, it will be easily rotted. If the temperature is low, it will be susceptible to freezing, and all will be sealed in early December. Therefore, we must master the temperature, which is the key.

4, indoor storage: storage of potatoes in the room, no matter the pit size, potatoes cover 3 - 5 cm tide black soil, so to maintain moisture, potatoes do not freeze not easy to spring spring.

5, warehousing: not used to dig pit or dredging water, according to the amount of storage, take a blank or brick in the corner of the room, inside and outside the warehouse with mud wiper to prevent the indoor cold, so that the potato through the cold wind, freeze. Put the potatoes into the warehouse and cover 5 cm of black soil on the top, which will play a fresh, unbending role.

Put in black plastic bag

Avoiding the light, potatoes will not easily sprout.

By the same token, it can also be wrapped in newspapers to avoid the light and keep it dry.

Preservation bags

Preserving potatoes in storage bags is also a very good method of preservation. Fresh-keeping bags can effectively block the air and can effectively suppress the problem of decay and sprouting of potatoes. Potatoes also avoid water, so try not to expose the potatoes to water.


Put in the cellar

Conditional, you can dig a small cellar, make the temperature appropriate, and ventilate every few days, you can save potatoes for several months is not bad. Putting the potatoes in a low-temperature, ventilated, dry place while avoiding sunlight can prolong the storage period of the potatoes.

Save with Apple

Putting a few apples in a potato bag can also increase the storage time of potatoes. Because mature apples release a plant hormone, ethylene, this hormone can promote plant fruit ripening and organ shedding. When potatoes and apples are put together, the ethylene produced by apples will inhibit the production of auxin at the cells of the potato shoots, and auxin will not accumulate at a sufficient concentration and naturally will not germinate.


Keeping it dry prevents the potatoes from absorbing water and allows the cells inside to begin to differentiate and produce germs. As long as the storage area is kept dry, so that the potatoes can not absorb the free water vapor in the air, then it will also reduce the possibility of germination.

It is best not to remove the dirt on the potatoes

Soil can prevent potatoes from direct contact with the outside air, avoid direct sunlight on the potato in daytime, and reduce the possibility of germ growth.

Try to store on a taller shelf

Store a little higher to avoid contact with earth gas. Ground gas, the so-called ground moisture and heat, is another important factor that promotes plant germination. Potatoes are contaminated too much and will also take root.

Precautions for saving potatoes

1, bogey more water: 7 days before harvest to stop watering to reduce the moisture content, to promote the aging of potato peel, in order to facilitate early entry into hibernation and reduce the disease.

2, avoid exposure: Some people in order to dry skin in the sun exposure, the results of the cool fruit deterioration of rotten or potato skin becomes green, inedible. The correct method is to dry in the shade ventilation. Finally, potatoes should be packed in a dry bag with a vented bag.

3, avoid moisture: potatoes are fresh vegetables, humidity is too high, poor ventilation will be mild. Should be placed on the sand in the corner.

4, avoid high temperature: the temperature is too high potatoes will sprout or rot, the temperature is too low for potato frostbite can not eat. Therefore, pile up the potatoes without stacking the potatoes so that the potatoes can breathe, and pay attention to the strict selection before storage to remove the disease, rotting, injuries, and poor potato chips with pockmarks and moisture.

5. Avoid miscellaneous habits: Generally, other fresh vegetables are easily moldy and bad. Potatoes should not be put together with these dishes.

6, bogey and sweet potatoes put together: potatoes can not be stored together with sweet potatoes. Otherwise, it is not the fragility of sweet potatoes.

The danger of eating sprouted potatoes

Potato sprouts produce a toxin known as solanine (also known as solanine). Potatoes of good quality contain only 10 mg of solanine per 100 g, while solanine, which turns green, sprouts, and rot, can be increased by 50 times or more. Eating a very small amount of solanine does not necessarily have a detrimental effect on the human body, but if you eat 200 mg solanine at a time (a half or two of the potatoes that have turned green and germinated) can develop after 15 minutes to 3 hours. The earliest symptoms are itching in the mouth and throat, pain in the upper abdomen, and nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Symptoms are mild. After 1 to 2 hours, they will heal themselves through their own detoxification function. 400 mg or more of solanine, the symptoms will be very serious, manifested as increased body temperature and repeated vomiting caused by dehydration, and pupil dilation, photophobia, tinnitus, convulsions, difficulty breathing, blood pressure drop, a very small number of people can Died of respiratory palsy. Therefore, patients with heavier symptoms should be treated as soon as possible.

Must pay attention to the prevention of potato solanine poisoning.

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