How to improve the goat's meat production capacity and economic efficiency


With the improvement of people's living standards, the demand for mutton has gradually increased. However, due to the small size, slow growth rate, and poor meat production capacity of goats, the development of the mutton sheep industry is restricted, and it is difficult to meet people’s growing demand for mutton. In order to increase the goat's meat production capacity, grazing and feeding can be adopted, when the lambs are slaughtered in the current year, and sheep breeds and crossbreeding goats are introduced to improve goat meat production capacity. The measures to improve goat meat production and economic benefits are summarized below. 1. Use economic hybrids to increase goat meat production capacity. Since goats have a small body size and poor meat production capacity, they can introduce meat-type varieties to improve the meat production performance of goats. For example, in 1997, the city imported goat-type frozen Boer goat goat granules from Shaanxi Provincial Animal Husbandry to improve local goats in Xinzheng City. The crossbred generation had a better birth weight, body shape and appearance than the local goat. According to experiments, the two varieties of economic hybrids, the offspring production of meat than the average parental increase of 12%. The promotion of improved varieties and utilization of heterosis must be combined with improved feeding and management in order to achieve better economic benefits. 2. Use local feed resources to grow goats. After lambing in the spring, lambs are produced using the characteristics of fast growth and high feed rewards. When the majority of sheep raising households in the agricultural area feed sheep, they can use green grass or straw micro-feed as a roughage, and then add some fine material properly, so that the fattening sheep can be slaughtered before the winter and the fattening time can be shortened. In order to raise the efficiency of the sheep industry accordingly. Farmers who have conditional grazing can use the favorable conditions such as nutrient abundance of summer and autumn forages to grazing, and at the same time, in order to increase the growth rate of fattening sheep, a certain amount of concentrate should be added. 3. Introduce multiple breeds. Raising the goat's lambing rate and the survival rate of lambs, the economic benefits of the sheep industry largely depend on the breeding rate of the ewes and the survival rate of the lambs. Therefore, it is possible to introduce multiple breeds of goats, improve the hybrid local goats, and improve the breeding performance of local goats. In order to improve the survival rate of lambs, pay attention to the feeding and management of pregnant ewes, especially in the later period of pregnancy, the fetus grows rapidly, and the weight gain accounts for about 80% of the initial weight. This stage requires full price nutrition. The ewes mated in autumn, the late pregnancy is a subtilis period, lack of nutrition, ewes weight loss, affecting fetal development. Therefore, the majority of sheep farmers in rural areas, in the late gestation period of winter ewe, in addition to feeding roughage, it is necessary to feed a certain amount of concentrate every day to the ewes in late pregnancy, to meet the nutritional needs of the fetus, increase the birth weight of the lamb, for later breast-feeding Do a good job of material storage. In addition, we must strengthen the feeding and management of lambs during the lactation period so that the lambs can eat colostrums. Within one month, they mainly use suckling ewes' milk to gradually supplement the lambs with hay and exercise their digestive organs. 4. Rational use of meat sheep fattening additives monensin: Add 25 to 30 milligrams of monensin per kilogram of diet and mix evenly in the feed. Zinc Bacitracin: Can inhibit bacterial growth, improve feed utilization and digestibility, and promote growth. Add 10 to 20 milligrams per kilogram of mixed feed, mix and feed lambs. Sheep fattening compound feed additive: It is composed of trace elements, rumen metabolism regulators, and growth promoters, and is suitable for feeding during the growth period and the finishing period. 2.5-3.3 grams of lamb per day was fed into the feed. The lambs, culling rams and adult sheep on the basis of grazing were supplemented with concentrates, and the purpose of fattening could be achieved by feeding for 3 months. Raising the goat's meat-producing ability varies according to the conditions of each place and the methods adopted are different. The introduction of meat breeds with good meat and reproductive performance improved local goats, improved their meat production performance, and enhanced the feeding and management of ewes during late pregnancy and lactation, and improved the birth weight of lambs and the survival rate of lambs. Therefore, when rural sheep farmers are fattening lambs or fattening mutton sheep and old-age sheep, they should feed the sheep according to the local standards according to the local conditions. In addition to supplying raw roughage, they must also supplement the sheep with a certain amount of sheep and add a certain amount of sheep. Fattening additives, improve their growth rate, shorten the fattening period, and accordingly increase the economic benefits of the sheep industry.

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