High-yield cultivation points of spring potato


First, potato sowing

1, the selection of high quality virus-free seed potatoes

Experimental studies have shown that the potato varieties and their high-quality virus-free seed potatoes can contribute about 60% to potato yield. The virus-free seed potatoes emerge early, the plants are robust, the leaves are hypertrophied, the roots are developed, the stress resistance is strong, and the yield increasing potential is large. Therefore, all the detoxification G2 and G3 generations must be selected in production.

2, intensive cultivation

Choose sandy loam or loam with fertile soil, flat terrain, convenient drainage, deep tillage, and loose soil.

After the harvest of the former sorghum crops, the diseased leaves and diseased plants are taken away from the field in time, and about 25 cm deep is ploughed before December, so that the soil is frozen and weathered to accept rain and snow and freeze the wintering pests. In time, it will be smashed in time before planting, and the ploughed layer will be finely smashed, and the surface of the slab will be smooth and free of roots.

Soil drought during sowing is one of the main factors affecting emergence and reducing production. Therefore, it is necessary to make sputum before sowing, and it is best to sown in the “drain in the ditch”.

3, germination sowing seedlings

Cut granules need about 150 kilograms of potato per acre. 25 to 30 days before sowing, place the seed potatoes in warm and sunny places for 2-3 days, remove the diseased potatoes, rotten potatoes, and then cut into pieces. When cutting the block, make full use of the top advantage, spirally cut to the top, and finally divide the top bud into two or one divided into four. Each seed potato has 1-2 bud eyes and weighs 25-30 grams. After drying the knife edge, put it in a room with a temperature of 18 °C - 20 °C, and use the layering method to germination. When the bud grows to 2-3 cm, it is placed under scattered light to dry, and the bud greening can be sown after being thickened.

4, pesticide seed dressing, pest control and disease prevention

Due to the different transportation of seed potatoes, the phenomenon of mutual transmission of seed potato bacteria is very serious. At present, the seedling stage black shank, stem rot disease and dry rot are common due to the seed potato strain, and the seed potato with pathogen is affected after emergence. Seed dressing can reduce the occurrence of these diseases, and the test proves that the following two formulations can prevent seedling diseases well.

1 Antaisheng 50g + Gao Qiao 20ml / 100kg seed potato. Mix 50% of 50% Antaisheng wettable powder with 20ml of 60% high-efficiency suspension coating agent, add water to 1000ml, shake it, spray it onto 100kg seed potato cuts, dry and sown.

2 Shile time + agricultural streptomycin / 100 kg seed potato.

3 Amishida 30ml with water 15-20kg spray ditch.

Using the above three formulas, it can promote early emergence of seedlings for 2-3 days, and ensure that the seedlings are strong and strong, and at the same time can prevent the damage of seedling stage aphids, as well as underground pests and golden worms.

5, the arch shed covered in advance sowing

Early spring potato arch shed cultivation technology, the potato planting period is advanced to early February, so that the potato tuber expansion period is in the best period of daytime high temperature, nighttime low temperature, and can prolong the plant growth period, thus greatly increasing the potato yield and quality.

6, wide row and large ridge cultivation

It is a double-row planting with a ridge distance of 80-90 cm. It is double-rowed, with a small row spacing of 20 cm and a plant spacing of 25-28 cm. A total of 5,500-6,000 plants are planted in the acre. The ditch is 8-10 cm deep and 25 cm wide. After the water is slid, the seeds are slanted and angled, the buds are upwards, the buds are covered with a small amount of fine soil, and then the holes are fertilized and the soil is covered with ridges. The seed is required to be 12 cm from the top of the ridge. Flatten the ridge surface, spray the herbicide before application of the field, and spray evenly and thoughtfully, then cover with the mulch. The plastic film to be laid should be an ultra-thin film with a thickness of 90-100 cm and a thickness of 0.005-0.008 mm, and a film of 4-5 kg ​​per mu. When laying the film, the film should be tightened, close to the ground, and the edge of the film should be buried in the soil about 10 cm, and the soil should be buried with the pressure and pressed with the foot. The cover film should master the essentials of “strict, tight, flat and wide”, that is, the pressure should be tight, the film should be tightly closed, the film surface should be flat, and the light surface should be wide. The arch shed was built on the same day and the agricultural film was built.

When mechanized sowing, the ridge distance is expanded to 90-100 cm. When the mulch is planted, it is necessary to cover the membrane and water it twice in time.

7, soil testing formula balanced nutrition

5,000 kg of soil and fertilizer, 150 kg of commercial organic fertilizer, 150 kg of ternary compound fertilizer (15-10-20 or 15-12-18), 150-25 g of siliceous calcium fertilizer, 1.2 kg of zinc sulfate, boric acid 1 kilogram. The soil fertilizer is applied when the land is cultivated, and other fertilizers are applied at the time of sowing.

Second, the field management of potatoes

1, timely rupture

20 to 25 days after sowing, the seedlings will continue to apex, select the sunny day to release the mulch into the seedlings, and cover the rupture holes with fine soil.

Intensive planting, when the potato sprouts grow to 2 cm from the mulch, the membrane covers the soil 2-3 cm.

2, strengthen temperature management

The arch shed maintains 20-26 °C during the day and 12-14 °C during the night. Always wipe the agricultural film to maintain the maximum amount of light. As the external temperature increases, the ventilation will be gradually increased. In mid-April (7-10 days after the Ching Ming Festival), the membrane can be removed.

3. Scientific watering

To get a higher yield of potatoes, a lot of water is needed. Satisfying the need for moisture, it is difficult to achieve satisfactory yield. Potato is not only a crop that requires a lot of water, but also a crop that cannot be interrupted by water supply, especially in the stage of tuber formation and tuber expansion. Once the water supply interval is interrupted, the tubers stop growing and form deformed tubers, resulting in severe yield reduction and quality degradation. However, in the late growth stage of the potato, it is necessary to prevent phlegm, and the tubers are not resistant to storage or rot due to excessive rain or humidity. Therefore, it is necessary to have a uniform and sufficient supply of water during production so that the soil tillage layer is always kept moist. The optimum soil moisture for potato growth is that the soil moisture content, which is maintained at an average of 80% during the whole growth period, is optimal. The seedling stage should be maintained at 70%-80%, and it should be kept at 65%-75% before harvesting; the tuber formation to tuber expansion stage must be maintained at 80%-85%.

In production, the principle of small water irrigation should be mastered, and each irrigation should not pass over the ridge top. In combination with lyricism, watering is performed once after sowing, before emergence, at the seedling stage, at the beginning of the bud, during the bud period, and during the rapid expansion of the potato pieces. Irrigation should be stopped about 7 days before harvest to ensure that the harvested tubers are fully aged to facilitate storage.

Third, the comprehensive prevention and control of pests and diseases

1. Main pests and diseases

The main pests and diseases of potato include late blight, early blight, aphids, tigers, cockroaches, and golden worms.

2. Develop a scientific plant protection plan

Choose to use high-efficiency, low-toxic, environmentally safe pesticide products to ensure the production of high-quality, healthy and safe agricultural products. According to the law of occurrence of pests and diseases and the requirements of good agricultural practices, the principle of using protective fungicides and therapeutic fungicides should be adopted in the prevention and treatment of diseases. Five foliar sprays were applied during the growing season, and each application was given Antaisheng or Dasheng 70% wettable powder (100-150 g/mu) in the sapling stage and the bud stage, respectively, at intervals of 10 days; from the tubers At the beginning of the expansion period, Amisida, Yinfa Li, and Jingjing were applied three times in a row, with an interval of 10 days.

For the control of aphids, in addition to using a high-quality seed dressing to control the aphids during the seed dressing period, a dose of 5-10 g/mu of foliar spray of Emerald 70% wettable granules was used in the potato adult stage. For the prevention and control of the ground tiger, the insecticide is mixed while spraying the fungicide in early March and early April.

3. Protect the blade and extend the functional period

Studies at home and abroad have shown that the photosynthesis of leaves contributes more than 90% to crop yields. Therefore, protecting the leaves and extending their functional period can greatly increase potato yield. Silverfali not only prevents disease, but also prolongs the late leaf function period of the potato, which is critical for increasing potato yield. It is also possible to spray 0.2% boric acid on the leaf surface of the potato flowering stage, and spray the potassium dihydrogen phosphate three times on the leaf surface of the potato tube expansion period.

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Ready-to-eat Double Packed Sweet Corn

In this category is sweet corn from Jilin Province Agricultural Sister-in-law Food Co.

The physical characteristics of maize consist of grain colour, grain shape, seed coat lustre, grain length, grain width, 100 grain weight, grain diameter, uniformity of the seed and hardness. In most cases, the colour of the endosperm of mature maize kernels is yellow or white, while the seed coat and paste layer are colourless and transparent. Depending on the colour of the kernels, there are three types of maize: yellow, white and mixed. Depending on the kernel form, hardness and different uses, maize is divided into two types: common maize (hard, intermediate, horse-tooth, hard-horse, horse-hard) and special maize (high-lysine maize, high-oil maize, sweet maize, cracked maize, glutinous maize).

The sweet corn of Jilin Province Agricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd. belongs to the special corn category of yellow corn.

Also known as fruit corn. The leaves on the outside are light green (only the ears are in the pack, we have removed the leaves for you) and the kernels inside are white or yellow. Sweeter than regular sweet corn, but lower in starch and rich in vitamin E and fibre, which is anti-ageing and aids digestion. Perfect for eating raw, mixed with vegetables in salads; it can also be steamed, but don't cook it for too long, about 5 minutes.

1975t01Double Packed Sweet Corn Cob

If you have any questions, please contact us directly. If you have any questions, please email us directly.

Delectable Sweet Corn Cob,Microwave Sweet Corn Cob,Country Sweet Corn,Ready To Eat Sweet Corn

Jilin Province Argricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd. , https://www.nongsaocorns.com