"Little crown happy shape" is an improvement of the traditional "1-2-3 type" "evacuation layered" tree shape, generally requires 4-6 main branches, dry height 0.8-1.0 meters, tree height 3.5-4.0 meters, crown width 4.5-5.0 meters, the crown is semi-elliptical. The "big crown happy form" is based on the evolution of the "little crown happy shape" tree. The number of main branches is reduced to 2-4; there are 2 side branches on each main branch, and there are a certain number of singles. Large and medium-sized branch groups (groups) with axial extensions; tree-shaped features with larger crowns and stable "flat" stereoscopic results. Disclaimer: Some articles on this website are transferred from the Internet. If legal rights of third parties are involved, please inform this website. phone Household Clearing Nitrile Gloves Household Clearing Nitrile Gloves,Safety Nitrile Gloves,Oilproof Nitrile Gloves,Household Gloves Prevent Allergic Puyang Linshi Medical Supplies Co., Ltd. , https://www.linshihealths.com