How to cope with high temperature vegetable farmers in summer


The high temperature in summer has many unfavorable influences on the growth and development of vegetables, which is the main reason for the fall of vegetables. Therefore, it is particularly important for vegetable cultivation in summer to do a good job of high-temperature defense in vegetable production.

High temperature main damage to vegetables

Plants with water loss temperatures above 30°C, in the event of no or little rain, will cause soil drought and air drying. When the root system's moisture absorbed from the soil cannot meet the needs of plant evaporation, it will cause the vegetable plant leaves to curl, Shedding, quality deterioration, yield decline, and even withered and dry.

Plants are susceptible to the emergence of leggy seedlings at high temperature, especially after nighttime temperatures are too high, affecting the flowering fruit set and yield of late vegetables.

Affecting flower bud differentiation and sex differentiation. Long-day sunshine increases cucumber male and female flower differentiation. When tomato and pepper flower buds are differentiated, they spend less and are stunted under high temperature conditions.

Disease resistance loss When the temperature or ground temperature is higher than the normal temperature range for plant growth, disease-resistance of some disease-resistant varieties will be lost, and they will become susceptible varieties, aggravating the occurrence of diseases.

Main measures to deal with high temperature heat damage

The varieties of heat-resistant and disease-resistant varieties are selected according to the local temperature conditions, and the vegetable varieties with high temperature resistance and disease resistance that are suitable for local cultivation are selected.

Intercropping with high-stalk crops makes full use of the shading effect of high-stalk crops to improve the mix between Xiyang and Xiyin crops. Such as eggplant and pepper intercropping, maize and pepper intercropping, in mulberry, tea, orchard shade interplanting ginger and so on.

Timely coverage of cooling vegetables planted leafy vegetables in summer, it is best to scaffold, cover shade nets, sun protection insects. Sweet peppers in open field can be used for scaffolding, covering shade nets, sun protection and disease prevention (virus diseases), sun protection nets or mud sunscreens can also be used to protect the greenhouse film. A layer of wheat straw, rice straw, crushed straw, and other debris can be spread on the ground between bare crop lines to prevent excessive ground temperature. In order to prevent watering, the cover is washed away, and some soil is pressed on it; for the fruits of the vegetables exposed in the sun, weeds and old newspapers and the like can be covered thereon to prevent sunlight from burning the fruits.

Use their own leaves shading sunscreen high temperature period, should fully use the stems and leaves to shade and protect the fruit, such as when the tomato topping, leaves two layers of leaves on the top layer of fruit, so that the young eggplant shading sunscreen; mature eight cabbage, cabbage cauliflower ball Afterwards, the outer leaves are removed and covered on the leaf ball to protect the sun and improve the quality. Summer cultivation of vegetables, the general should be close planting should not be sparse, play a role in mutual shade, conducive to growth.

Reasonable watering and watering is one of the most effective measures to relieve hot weather. During the high temperature period, the number of watering and the amount of watering can be appropriately increased. Conditional spray irrigation can be used or sprayed on the leaves to prevent dehydration of the leaves. The time should be selected in the early morning or late afternoon. Water should not be watered when the temperature is high at noon. The water must be poured thoroughly to keep the soil moist. After the thunderstorm, drain the water in time and pour cool water to prevent it from being damaged by hot rain.

LED Red Light Therapy Machine

What's red light therapy? Red light therapy before and after

Red light therapy (RLT) is a treatment that may aid in the healing of skin, muscle tissue, and other body components. It exposes you to red or near-infrared light at modest intensities. Infrared light is a sort of energy that your eyes cannot see but which your body perceives as heat. Red light is comparable to infrared light, however it is visible.

Low-level laser treatment (LLLT), low-power laser therapy (LPLT), and photobiomodulation are all terms for red light therapy (PBM).

What Is Red Light Therapy and How Does It Work?

Red light treatment involves exposing your skin to a red-light bulb, gadget, or laser. Mitochondria, also known as the "power generators" of your cells, absorb it and use it to produce additional energy. This, according to some scientists, helps cells repair themselves and grow healthier. This promotes skin and muscular tissue repair.

The skin is not injured or burned by red light treatment since it employs very low amounts of heat. It is not the same sort of light used in tanning salons, and it does not expose your skin to UV rays that are harmful to your skin.

What Is It Used For?

Red light treatment has been studied for a long time. However, there aren't many research on it, and no one knows if it's better than other sorts of healing treatments. The use of red light therapy may be beneficial in the following situations:

Dementia. People with dementia who received near-infrared light treatment on their heads and via their nostrils on a daily basis for 12 weeks had improved memory, slept better, and were less irritable.

Pain in the teeth. People with temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome (TMD) experienced decreased discomfort, clicking, and jaw soreness after receiving red light treatment, according to another small study.

Hair loss is a common occurrence. In one research, men and women with androgenetic alopecia (a hereditary condition that causes hair loss) gained thicker hair after using an at-home RLT device for 24 weeks. The outcomes were not the same for those who utilized a bogus RLT gadget in the trial.

Osteoarthritis. According to one research, red and infrared light treatment reduced osteoarthritis-related pain by more than half.

Tendinitis. RLT appears to reduce inflammation and discomfort in persons with Achilles tendonitis, according to a small trial of seven participants.

Wrinkles and other symptoms of aging and damage to the skin. RLT has been shown in studies to aid with wrinkles and skin smoothing. RLT can also assist with acne scars, burns, and sun damage indications.

What Are the Consequences?
Even though experts aren't clear how or why red light treatment works, it's usually thought to be safe. There are also no hard and fast guidelines on how much light to use. Too much light can harm skin tissue, while too little can make it less effective.

What Is Red Light Therapy and Where Can You Get It?
At most cases, it's done in a doctor's office. Some salons and dentistry clinics, however, do it as well. You may also purchase a red light treatment gadget on your own. Side effects and injuries are more likely to occur with salon and at-home treatments. If you're considering red light treatment, see your doctor first.

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