The correct development of the gastrula artificial mouse "embryo" is very close to the real embryo


Author: Liu Xia Release Date: 2018-07-26

According to a recent report by the University of Cambridge, the international research team led by researchers at the school used mouse stem cells to create artificial embryo-like structures that can perform gastrulation (a key step in any embryonic life). The new study marks a further step forward in the creation of artificial embryos from humans, helping to study the earliest stages of human embryonic development.

A team led by Professor Megdalena Jennika-Gots of the University of Cambridge reported in the 23rd issue of Nature and Cell Biology that they used three types of stem cells to reconstitute the gastrula. process. This process is indispensable in the process of embryonic cells self-organizing into the correct structure to form the embryo.

After mammalian eggs are fertilized, they divide several times, producing a small free-floating ball containing embryonic stem cells (ESCs), extra-embryonic trophoblastic stem cells (TSCs), and primitive endoderm stem cells (PESCs).

In March last year, the team used genetically engineered mouse ESCs and TSCs, as well as a 3D “jelly” scaffold called the extracellular matrix, to create a structure that is self-assembling and develops and architectures that resemble natural embryos, but missing The gastrula formation process.

Jennika-Gotz explained: "Only these three types of stem cells can be used to properly perform gastrulation during normal development. To this end, we replaced the 'jelly' stent used in early experiments with PESCs. With the addition of PESCs, we saw the process of 'embryo' for gastrulation, which ultimately produced a strikingly successful structure. The new artificial embryos experienced the most important moments in life in culture dishes, they are now very much from real embryos. Nearly. For further development, they must be implanted in the mother or artificial placenta."

Researchers say they now have a better understanding of how three stem cells interact to promote embryonic development; they also intend to apply it to equivalent human stem cells to study the earliest development of human embryos without the use of natural human embryos. The situation in the process, as well as clarifying the reasons why this process sometimes fails.

Source: Technology Daily

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