1. Keep chicks warm One of the keys to success or failure in brooding is to give the right temperature. This is because the thermoregulatory function of the newborn chicks is weak and it is difficult to adapt to changes in the outside temperature. Especially in the low temperature season, if the brooding temperature is too low, the chicks will curl up and heat each other, even tightly integrated into the heap, affecting feeding and activities, sometimes squeezing and stamping, causing disability, and also causing cold if caught. Lactorrhea or respiratory diseases, etc., causing serious deaths. 2. Prevent ammonia accumulation If the excrement of feces and damp litter from chickens is not removed in time, ammonia gas builds up in the house and the concentration rises, causing broiler ammonia poisoning or other diseases. In order to prevent the adverse effects of ammonia gas on broilers, it is recommended that the following feeding management work should be done: The laid bedding should have a certain thickness, generally more than 5 cm; when operating, watering should be minimized to prevent the sink from leaking and wetting the bedding material; If the humidity inside the house is too large, the house waste and damp litter should be promptly removed. In addition, ammonia absorption and deodorant can be used to reduce the ammonia concentration of the house. Commonly used are ferrous sulfate, superphosphoric acid, copper sulfate, hydrated lime, and the like. 3. Immune to Diseases According to the prevalence of chicken disease in the local area, develop a practical immunization program that meets the requirements of the field and timely inoculate various vaccines as required. The methods of vaccinating commercial broilers mainly include intranasal eye drops, aerosols, drinking water and muscle or subcutaneous injections. The selected vaccine should come from a regular manufacturer or a vaccine approved by the competent national authority. It should be tested for potency before use and properly stored and used. 4 do a good job chicken farm health First of all, chickens should be introduced from healthy chicken farms to prevent vertical transmission of pathogens. Second, we should create a good breeding environment. Feeding appliances and sterilizers are strictly distinguished and regularly sterilized to prevent horizontal transmission of diseases. Third, adhere to the principle of sterilizing chickens, eradicating rodents, preventing rodent-transmitted diseases, burying dead chickens, and isolating chickens from healthy chickens. During the observation of the chickens, it was found that the dead chickens had to be picked up in time for burning or deep burying. The dead chickens could not be stored in the chicken house, the feed room or the chicken house. Wash your hands with disinfectant after you finish dying. After each batch of chickens were slaughtered, chicken excrement was thoroughly cleaned and transported to a place away from the chicken house. 5. Control drug residues The problem of drug residue in the production of commercial broilers is an important factor affecting meat quality. The prohibition of the use of banned drugs is strictly prohibited during the production process. According to the product quality requirements, the procedures and methods for drug use are adjusted at any time. The broilers are strictly executed before the slaughter period to ensure the quality of chicken meat. 6. All in and out The so-called "all-in, all-out" rearing mode, in which the same hen house is filled with chicks of the same age, is released on the same day at the time of sale. The advantage is that it is easy to adopt a uniform temperature, with the standard feed, unified cleaning, cleaning, and disinfection after appearance to eliminate circulating infections. After fumigation, the chickens were closed for a week and then adopted for the next batch of chicks. The "all-in, all-out" system has faster weight gain, less material consumption, lower mortality, and higher production efficiency than the "continuous production" system. Etiology analysis and prevention measures of swine edema disease after the beginning of autumn Porcine edema disease is also known as porcine E. coli viremia, commonly known as piglet rocking disease. Is a common occurrence of weaned piglets, after weaning 1-2 weeks of multiple, the incidence is low, was endemic, high mortality (90%). The disease has no obvious seasonality, but it is more frequent in April-May in spring and September-October in autumn, especially in sudden climate change and rainy season. Cause: The cause of the disease is generally considered to be an intoxication caused by a toxin produced by hemolytic E. coli having a specific serotype. When the following conditions exist, it can promote the occurrence of the disease, such as weaned piglets suddenly change the feed and feeding methods, inappropriate weaning methods, high and simple feed protein ratio level, lack of minerals, trace elements, feeding gluttonous Etc. If selenium and VE are insufficient, this disease will be induced; poor sanitation conditions in pig houses, lack of exercise in piglets, resulting in weakened pig constitution, temperament, temperament, leakage of water and moisture, and flooding In the skin, it develops edema and numbness of the meridians and causes morbidity. symptom: Sudden onset of the disease, early symptoms of mild mental depression, loss of appetite, gait instability, body temperature generally does not increase, occasional individual pig temperature rise; followed by visible head and face and eyelid edema, and neurological symptoms Most of them walk unsteadily, swinging blindly around the circle, some of the pig's fore limbs slamming, two hind limbs upright, some lying in the ground, the limbs are swiping, like a swim, foaming at the mouth, touch the pig body by hand, sensitive to reaction , Excited, hoarse, horrified. The disease progresses quickly and generally dies or recovers within 48 hours. The long course of the pigs can often be delayed to 5-7 days or longer. The mortality rate reached 90%. Anatomy shows that different degrees of edema occur in various parts of the pig body, especially in the stomach wall edema. The thicker, jelly-like appearance of the appetizing wall and the appearance of clear or brown fluids, jelly-like edema of the mesentery, systemic lymphedema, congestion, and hemorrhage. There are more effusions in the pericardium and the pleural cavity, and the exposed air is jelly-like. Prevention: The early effects of drug treatment are good, and the latter is generally ineffective. Since the occurrence of this disease is closely related to the feeding and management of suckling pigs, prevention of this disease must be timely fed to the suckling piglets in order to improve their digestion and absorption capacity, avoid sudden weaning and replacement of feed, feed nutrition should be comprehensive, the protein in the feed can not be too high After weaning piglets should not be fed full. In selenium-deficient areas, selenium and vitamin E should be added. The pig house is kept clean and dry, and it is regularly washed and disinfected so that it can play a good preventive role. The following drugs can also be used for prevention: 1. Within 1 week before weaning and 2 weeks after weaning, intramuscular injection of histamine globulin 2ml, once a week, or within 1 week before weaning and 3 weeks after weaning, taking sulfamethazine internally every day 1.5g, but also in the onset of the season with sulfa, garlic and other drugs for prevention. 2, use salt laxatives (magnesium sulfate) 15-25g orally; temporarily control or drastically reduce the amount of feed at different times, feed at the time of weaning to reduce the amount of feed to 0.5kg per piglet per day, and in about 1 week After slowly increasing to a sufficient amount, this is a more successful method of prevention. Treatment can be combined with Chinese and Western medicine and symptomatic treatment. It can be used for anti-allergy, elimination of edema, and suppression of intestinal pathogenic bacteria. It should be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. Sodium sulfadiazine, 6-methoxysulfamethoxazole, enrofloxacin, chloramphenicol, and kanamycin sulfate all have therapeutic effects on the disease. Sodium selenite and VE should be used to treat the disease. Appropriate use of dexamethasone gives satisfactory results. In addition, salt laxatives can be used for the diseased pigs to reduce the absorption of poisons and play a positive role in the treatment. Tattoo Nitrile Gloves,Disposable Nitrile Gloves,Powder Free Cheap Glove,Blue Disposable Nitrile Gloves Puyang Linshi Medical Supplies Co., Ltd. , https://www.linshimedicals.com