Why do you want to control the tip of citrus in summer?


Why control summer shoots?

The so-called control of the tip of the fruit, that is, the greatest intention of controlling the tip is to preserve the fruit. Because the citrus is in a physiological fruit drop period at the moment, if a lot of summer shoots are extracted, it will inevitably compete with the young fruit to grab nutrients and cause many fruit drop. The summer shoot frenzy will overspend the nutrients of the tree, burden the tree vigor, and even affect the amount of fruit in the coming year.

In addition, summer shoots are easily damaged by wood lice, locusts, leaf miners, and humming horses. As the temperature rises, many new shoots provide a lot of food for the pests, which will certainly boost the burst of insect disasters.

How to control the summer shoot?

1, artificial wipe tip

Artificial wiping is generally the summer shoots grow to 1-3cm when the buds are wiped clean, repeated every 10 days or so, until the fruit into the stable period to stop picking shoots, is the main control of the small orange fruit garden area tips.

2, fruit control control / fruit control

As mentioned earlier, the summer shoots and young fruit grabbed nutrients, and the same operation can reasonably be used to allocate more nutrients to the fruits, so that the shoots of the summer shoots can be effectively controlled. The data shows that when the sugar orange tip is higher than 10, the summer tip can be usefully pressed. There is an important measure in the management of horticulture - ring cutting, ring cutting mainly for the situation of less blooming flowers, other conditions do not advocate circumcision, otherwise it will affect the situation of fruit preservation.

3, with tip control

For the citrus tree with a small amount of light in the mid-summer shoots of the tree vigor, the top 7-13 low-to-medium shoots can be preserved, and some of the endogenous growth factors can be consumed by using the apical dominance to control the growth of the whole summer shoot. The key points of operation: 1 Before the old summer shoots are set, the basic five leaves are preserved, and all the other upper leaves are removed. 2 The leaf spurred brassin + high-potassium foliar fertilizer is combined with high-potassium and water-soluble fertilizers. Ensure that the young fruit development nutrient, can promote the preservation of the summer shoot fast and mature;

4, drug control

Controlling shoots are mainly based on growth and killing hormones.

The main types of growth control agents are paclobutrazol, uniconazole, and thallosulfan (FK). They mainly delay the growth of summer shoots through hormone action. The use of precautions: 1 mostly within the body sucking control agent, there is a concentration effect, different concentrations of different species, the use of a small range of experiments before use and then a large area of ​​use; 2 the use of time in the spring before the old mature Shao shoot sprout, After the summer shoots are drawn out, the effect is not good; 3 useful period is about 20 days, and the spray needs to be sprayed repeatedly.

The herbicides are dominated by herbicides such as glyphosate and oxyfluorfen, and they can be controlled by direct killing of shoots. Improper use may involve young fruit and mature leaves.

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