Grape heat damage prevention measures


Grape heat damage often occurs when the weather suddenly heats up and the light is strong and direct. Near the ground, the leaves and branches of the frame are vulnerable to local high-temperature radiation. In recent years, due to continuous drought and less rain, grape heat injury has been more serious. The following measures can prevent grape heat damage:

1, science summer cut, pruning. When cutting in summer, the number of functional leaves should be kept according to the scientific leaf area index, which can alleviate the heat damage caused by high temperature.

2, water and fertilizer management. Appropriate application of organic fertilizer to improve soil water capacity. Irrigate timely in high temperature season to ensure that the soil moisture supply is balanced.

3, protective measures. In the high temperature season, in combination with other disease prevention and control, spray 0.05% copper sulfate solution to enhance the heat resistance of grapes; in areas with severe heat damage, if necessary, spray 27% nontoxic high-fat film emulsion 80-100 times solution. Effectively protect the ear from heat damage.

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