Eggplant verticillium wilt symptoms


Eggplant verticillium wilt, also known as half madness, black heart disease, and blight disease, is an important disease that damages eggplant. Eggplant can become infected at the seedling stage, and symptoms appear after the fruit in the field. Damage to eggplant generally develops from the bottom up. The chlorotic spots appeared between the leaf margins and veins at the beginning. The diseased plants showed wilting at early noon on sunny days, and they recovered early and late. After a certain period of time, they did not recover. The leaf margins turned brown and fell off. The diseased plants gradually withered and the leaves fell off. Light stalks. Cut the diseased stem and the vascular bundle becomes brown. Occasionally, half of the plants are diseased, half mad or half yellow. This disease is extremely harmful to the production of eggplant, and it will be harvested or destroyed in severe years.

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