Application of Smartongue electronic tongue in aquatic products


Application of Smartongue electronic tongue in aquatic products

Shanghai Ruiqi International Trade Co., Ltd. shares with you the application of Smartongue electronic tongue in aquatic products. For more information, please pay attention to the WeChat public account: isenso17.


Figure 1 Principal component scores of different fish species

Smartongue electronic tongue is used for the detection of different kinds of fish meat. It is concluded that although the Smartongue electronic tongue can not point out the exact difference between freshwater fish and marine fish, it can well show that the quality of the two types of fish is different, freshwater fish and The distribution area of ​​the main component scores of marine fish has a clear boundary. In addition to reflecting the differences between freshwater fish and marine fish, the Smartongue electronic tongue can also reflect differences between different freshwater fish or different marine fish.


Figure 2 Principal component score map of carp in different storage time

Smartongue electronic tongue is used to detect the quality of squid under different storage time. It is concluded that the main component scores of fish samples have different distribution areas at different storage times, and the main component scores will follow the time as the storage time increases. The trend (representing a clear regular distribution, and the spacing of the distribution area is gradually increasing. The results of the Smartongue electronic tongue test indicate that the quality of the fish meat is gradually changing, and the change is accelerating.


Fig.3 Principal component analysis of Smartongue electronic tongue of five species of surimi

According to the application of Smartongue electronic tongue in the classification of surimi, it is concluded that the squid is located in the upper half of the first principal component axis, and the squid is located in the lower half of the first principal component axis. Near the main component axis, there is still no effective distinction between grass carp and carp. Explain that the Smartongue electronic tongue can distinguish between squid, squid and squid, but not squid and grass carp.

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