Xuzhou Hospital Allergic Cough Patients Increase Expert: Corresponding to Corruption


In the hot summer, how can we achieve the effect of relieving summer heat? I believe that the answer for many people is to soak in the iced watermelon in the air-conditioned room, drinking drinks and beer. However, although this method can achieve cool and cool results at the time, it has hidden dangers. Recently, many people in the city have come to the hospital for symptoms of itchiness or cough and asthma. A number of hospital's respiratory professional medical staff said that the above citizens are suffering from allergic cough, which is very much related to everyone's bad weather in the hot weather cooling habits.

● Cough is not seen for many days is diagnosed as allergic cough

Mr. Chen in his twenties, did not expect that he would be tortured by ordinary coughs that he did not care about. "My body has been great, but I recently got into the hospital because of a cough."

Mr. Chen had several long-lost friends a few days ago. Together, they ate together at a small restaurant.

As the lobster of this restaurant is very famous, everyone ordered two large pots of lobster, and then a box of cold beer began to eat and drink. With the increase of wine, a box of chilled beer apparently can not meet the high table atmosphere, so Mr. Chen also asked for a box of cold beer.

Everyone was drinking chilled beer and dripping lobster on the wine table. It didn't feel like the weather was hot.

After dinner was 10 o'clock in the evening, Mr. Chen dragged his drunk body back home and fell asleep. In the evening, I got up and drank a little water. I felt dry itchy throat, but Chen did not care. However, after getting up in the morning, he started coughing. The wife reminded him if he had a cold and asked him to buy a cold medicine.

Mr. Chen thinks he is in good health, so he didn’t take it seriously and he didn’t buy cold medicine. He thought that drinking more water would probably catch a cold. But what he didn't expect was that he continued to cough for three days without any sign of reduction, but it was getting worse.

“Even if I go to bed at night, I would wake up to be awake.” Mr. Chen had to buy a cough medicine. He thought that eating would have an effect. Obviously his thoughts were wrong. Mr Chen, who was helpless, had to come to the hospital.

After consulting with Mr. Chen’s medical history, the doctor took into consideration Mr. Chen's severe cough but lack of phlegm. The important manifestation was itchiness in the throat, so he was judged to be an allergic reaction, that is, an allergic cough. The cause of the symptoms was clarified and the doctor desensitized Mr. Chen.

After one day, Mr. Chen obviously felt that his cough was reduced.

● More than cough for young people

In the course of specific visits, the doctors of the Department of Respiratory Medicine of a hospital in our city found that with the increase of temperature, patients with unexplained cough come to see a significant increase, and sometimes the amount of admissions per day is close to 40%.

"The main symptoms in this group of patients are cough and itchy throat." Dr. Liu from the hospital's respiratory medicine doctor said that judging from the age of the patients admitted, young people are more likely to be younger than 20 years old, including children. A large proportion. After communicating with the patient, Dr. Liu found that most young people think they are in good health, so they often like to drink iced drinks to relieve summer heat.

One phenomenon that doctors have noticed is that, in addition to cold drinks or cold beer in the diet, many patients have too low a temperature for air conditioning, and they prefer to stay in the air-conditioned room for a long time.

In the eyes of traditional Chinese medicine, the throat is the main point of the body's breathing, and the cold is also caused by the throat and then causes a cough. Most coughs are linked to allergies. In general, allergic cough is mainly characterized by itching and coughing, with little or no sputum.

A number of respiratory experts interviewed said that after the onset of cough symptoms, do not blindly and directly use some cough medicines for treatment, because some cough medicines such as syrup will aggravate the cough. Should go to the hospital for medical treatment, clarify the cause of cough, and then targeted treatment.

●It is necessary to pay attention to the details of cold life in summer.

In many people's impressions, it may be thought that more cold will occur in the winter, because the weather is cold. If you keep warm, you can easily catch cold. However, professionals have reminded people who have this misunderstanding that hot days have to prevent and treat cold weather because it is the easiest weather in the summer.

A respiratory doctor explained in an interview that although the weather is cold in winter, people wear very heavy clothes, the chances of catching cold are low, and the body's pores are blocked in winter. Even if they accidentally get cold, it will not cause serious consequences. . The opposite is true in summer.

“In summer people are greedy for cool things. In addition to drinking all kinds of ice-cold foods, the pores will sweat a lot and cause the door to open wide. It is easy for the cold to stare at.” The above-mentioned respiratory doctor believes that in this case, if it is cold, then the degree It is often more serious than winter.

From the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the coolness of this method is called the thief, because of the deeper cold, in addition to coughing, it can also cause tonsillitis, sore throat and other diseases.

In the details of life, people must be careful to be harassed by “thief wind”. First of all, before entering the air-conditioned room, to make their own body temperature and outdoor high temperature there is a clear "delivery" is to gradually reduce the body's temperature, do not directly into the air-conditioned room, or even against the air-conditioning cooling. The second is to be light on the diet, sweating can not immediately drink cold or cold water, try to develop the habit of drinking warm water, can be appropriate to eat ginger isothermal foods. (Huang Ya)

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