Spirogyra grows on the surface of paddy fields, impedes the growth temperature of rice, and reduces the water temperature and ground temperature of rice in Honda. Spirogyra adhered to rice plants caused the surface of the plants to be wet, which hindered the respiration and permeability of the plants, and could easily cause rice rot and spoilage of leaf sheaths. Sponge harm makes gas exchange bad, easy to produce harmful gases such as hydrogen sulfide root black, rot and other physiological diseases, seriously affecting rice tiller and growth and competition for fertilizer utilization. The herbicides used to prevent spiropsites are: copper sulfate, phenethyl tin, copper, propynoxazone, ethoxyfluorfenem and other herbicides. The critical period for the control of Spirogyra is the period of application, with 30% being covered with Spirogyra. Good, premature or late effects are not ideal. Analog Hearing Aid Analog Hearing Aid Shenzhen Sunshine Technology Co.,Ltd , https://www.yatwin.com