Do not know the four principles of winter diet need to master


Introduction: After the winter solstice, entering the "September 9 cold days" means that the coldest phase of the year is coming. In order to keep warm, you should pay attention to the following points in your diet.

1, appropriately increase the intake of high-protein foods, such as livestock and poultry meat, fish and eggs

30% of the energy contained in the protein will become calories dissipated from the body surface, while only 5% to 6% of the energy contained in the carbohydrates is lost as calories and fat is 4% to 5%. In addition, red meat is also rich in hemoglobin iron that is easily absorbed. Studies have shown that dietary iron intake increases cold resistance. It should be noted that what is being added is protein-rich lean meat rather than fat-rich fat. At the same time, the amount of meat eaten every day is best controlled at 2 or less.

2, drink a bowl of hot porridge or hot soup before eating

At a cold temperature, drinking a bowl of hot porridge not only makes the body feel warm immediately, but also warms the stomach, wakes up the digestive system, and promotes appetite. In particular, cereal porridge can also help supplement B vitamins and potassium and other nutrients. In addition, the winter climate is dry, it should add water, and porridge can also make you unknowingly drink a lot of water. In addition to hot porridge, a bowl of hot soup with less oil and salt before meals is also a good choice.

3, Snacks preferred Nuts

Most of the nuts mature in autumn, so it can be considered seasonal food in autumn and winter season. Nuts are rich in vitamin E, B vitamins, and iron, zinc, calcium and other minerals, as well as a certain amount of protein, can help people resist the cold. The nutrient density of nuts is relatively high, which can compensate for the relatively few defects in winter foods to some extent. Therefore, when it's cold, you can change cookies and snacks into nuts. Need to be reminded that the best choice of nuts, and eat more than a small amount each day.

4, eat more black food

Chinese medicine advocates winter kidney and black kidney. From the perspective of modern nutrition, anthocyanins, which are rich in purple and black foods such as black beans, black rice, black sesame, purple cabbage, purple sweet potato and blueberry, are powerful antioxidants that can prevent cancer and increase blood vessel elasticity. It also protects eyesight. Therefore, eating more black food can also play a role in preventing multiple cardiovascular diseases in autumn and winter.

Fresh Fruit

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