Customize 3D printed cartilage with anti-inflammatory effects using stem cells


Customize 3D printed cartilage with anti-inflammatory effects using stem cells

July 27, 2016 Source: Bio Valley

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In order to treat worn and inflamed hip joints without surgery, scientists induced stem cells to be programmed to grow into new cartilage on a 3D stent like a hip femoral head. At the same time, gene therapy can also activate new cartilage to release anti-inflammatory molecules to prevent arthritis. relapse.

The work was done by researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine and published in the international academic journal PNAS.

The technology uses a 3D biodegradable synthetic scaffold that can be tailored to the exact shape of the patient's joints, using stem cells in the adipose tissue beneath the patient's skin to induce cartilage, covering it on a 3D scaffold. Obtain new articular cartilage. New cartilage is then implanted into the inflammatory hip surface, and the hip joint is re-covered with living tissue, thereby eliminating arthritis pain, delaying or even eliminating the need for joint replacement surgery in some patients.

In addition, the researchers used gene therapy to insert a gene into the new chondrocytes and activate it with a simple drug that promotes the release of anti-inflammatory molecules and prevents the recurrence of arthritis. "In the presence of inflammation, we can give patients a simple drug that activates our implanted genes to reduce inflammation in the joints, so we can stop the administration at any time to turn off gene expression." Said.

This gene therapy is very important. When the level of inflammatory molecules in the joints increases, the cartilage is damaged and pain can occur. Adding gene therapy to stem cells and 3D print scaffolding technology, researchers believe this will help prevent recurrence of arthritis and allow implanted cartilage to take longer.

There are data showing that 30 million Americans are currently diagnosed with osteoarthritis, and the incidence of osteoarthritis is on the rise. This number includes many relatively young patients between the ages of 40 and 65 who are not suitable for joint replacement surgery due to age limitations, and traditional methods are not particularly effective. Researchers believe that these patients will become ideal candidates for the use of this new technology in the future.

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