recommend! Little full season health 13 therapeutic side


Small full is the prone period of skin disease, so the diet should be refreshing and light vegetarian, eat food with clear damp heat effect.

Such as Chixiaodou, Yiyiren, mung bean, wax gourd, sponge gourd, cucumber, lily, cress, wolfberry, black fungus, wolfberry, carrot, tomato, watermelon, yam, snake meat, squid, grass carp, duck, etc.;

Do not eat sorghum thick, sweet and fatty tired, wet foods to help wet, such as animal fat, jellyfish, sour spicy, sex is warm and fire-fighting products and fried smoked things such as raw onions, Raw garlic, ginger, mustard, pepper, pepper, fennel, cinnamon, leeks, eggplant, mushrooms, sea fish, shrimp, crab, all kinds of seafood, cattle, sheep, dogs, goose meat and so on.


Small full season health therapeutic side:

1. Celery mixed with tofu

Ingredients: 150 grams of celery, 1 tofu. Salt, MSG, sesame oil a little.

Practice: Cut celery into small pieces, and cut the tofu into small squares. Use boiling water to dip it. Remove and cool it with cool water and use it to control the clean water. Stir celery and tofu, add salt, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil and stir well.

This side has the effect of Pingganqinghuo and Lishijiedu. Pleasant and palatable, it is suitable for summertime food.

2. Melon grass carp

Ingredients: 500 grams of melon, grass carp 250 grams, salt, monosodium glutamate, vegetable oil amount.

Practice: Peel the melon, wash and cut the triangle, cut the grass carp, leaving the tail wash and stand by. First use oil to fry the grass carp (with tail) to golden brown. Take a casserole and add some water to it. Put the fish and wax gourd into the casserole. After the first heat, boil it and change it to simmer for about 2 hours. See white soup, add salt, monosodium glutamate seasoning can be eaten.

This side has the effect of Pinggan, Qufeng, dampness, and heat removal.

3. Green pepper fried duck block

Ingredients: 150 grams of green peppers, duck meat 200 grams. 1 egg, rice wine, salt, dry starch, fresh soup, monosodium glutamate, water starch, vegetable oil, and the appropriate amount.

Practice: 1. The duck quail meat is chopped into 2 inches long, 6 wide slices, washed with water and then dried; the eggs are removed and dried starch, salt and mix well with duck pieces and sizing; green pepper to the seed, pedicle washed slice.

2. After the pan is hot, add oil until it reaches 40% of the heat. Place the duck pieces in a pot, scoop them with a scoop, and stir fry until it matures. Add green peppers. Wait until the duck piece is fried and pour it into the colander. 3. Leave some oil in the pot. Add salt, wine, fresh soup, and boil until it rolls off, then pour the duck pieces and green peppers into the water, thicken the water with starch, and stir fry for a few times.

This side has the effect of warming the spleen and diluting water.

4. Rock Candy

Ingredients: 荸荠 250 grams, 藕 150 grams, crystal sugar amount.

Practice: Wash, peel, rinse and cut small pieces. Add enough water to the casserole, add wolfberry and quail to the pot and stew for 20 minutes. Add rock sugar and stew for 10 minutes.

This side has heat and dampness, spleen and appetizers. Antidiarrheal Gujing effect.

5. Mung bean seaweed soup

Ingredients: 30 grams of green beans, 20 grams of kelp, 15 grams of Houttuynia, sugar amount.

Practice: Wash mung bean, kelp, add water decoction with the Houttuynia pot. Drink soup to eat seaweed, green beans. One dose daily for 1 week.

This can treat skin eczema.

6. Potato porridge

Ingredients: 100 grams of potatoes, 100 grams of rice. Osmanthus 100 grams, 100 grams of sugar.

Practice: Cut potatoes clean and cut into small pieces. Wash Chanmi into the pot, add appropriate amount of water to decoct, and add potatoes into the porridge after boiling, and then transfer the sweet-scented osmanthus and white sugar. For breakfast food. One dose daily for 10 days.

This can treat skin eczema.

7. Water snake porridge

Ingredients: water snake l a 2, 蟾蜍 2.4, rice amount.

Method: Peel off the skin, remove the head, claws and internal organs. Wash and cut small pieces to remove the snake skin. Remove internal organs. Put into boiling water and cook. Remove meat and bones, re-enter the meat together into the pot, add glutinous rice (or glutinous rice) porridge, seasoning food. Once a day, even served several times.

This can treat skin eczema.

8. Wax gourd rice porridge

Ingredients: 30 grams of winter melon, 50 grams of rice.

Practice: Both cook together for porridge. One dose daily, sooner or later, every 1 to 10 days for 1 course of treatment.

This can treat skin eczema.

9. Glutinous rice, red bean porridge

Ingredients: 30 grams of rice, 15 grams of red beans.

Practice: Red beans water immersed in half a day, and corn, glutinous rice cook for the porridge. Take one dose daily, sooner or later.

This can treat skin eczema.

10. Mung bean seaweed soup

Ingredients: 50 grams of green beans, 50 grams of kelp.

Practice: soup.

This can cure skin eczema and itchy skin.

11. Mulberry Lily Green Fruit Soup

Ingredients: 30 grams of mulberry, 30 grams of lily, 10 dates, 9 grams of green fruit.

Practice: The above common flavor decoction, daily l agent, and even served 10 to 15 doses.

This can treat chronic skin eczema.

12. Pre-cut melon glutinous rice porridge

Ingredients: 30 grams of melon skin, 30 grams of rice, 15 grams of plantain.

Practice: Wash the three together porridge, cooked and picked after the plantain. Drink soup to eat rice.

This can cure scrotum wetness.

13. Red mullet live fish

Ingredients: 枸杞 15 grams, live 750 grams of squid, parsley 6 grams, onion, vinegar, shake wine, pepper, ginger, salt, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, lard, broth amount.

Practice: The squid is mixed, the parsley is cut into segments, and the onions are cut into onions. Put the lard in a pan and heat it, add pepper, onion and ginger in turn, then add broth, salt and monosodium glutamate, and add the squid. After boiling, place the wok under the pan and transfer it over a gentle heat for 20 minutes. Sprinkle with sesame oil and serve. Table food, drink soup to eat fish.

This can cure scrotum wetness.

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