Honeysuckle rattan



At 4 o'clock, exogenous, thirsty, or limb pain: honeysuckle (with leaves or flowers, dried) 50 grams (150 grams of fresh). Jiantang Dai Chadun drink. ("Quanzhou Materia Medica")


Hot poison bloody: honeysuckle rattan strong fried drink. ("Sheng Hui Fang")

Hair, back, intestinal fistula, breast milk, no name sore, cold and heat, like typhoid: honeysuckle grass (de-stem), astragalus (to reed) 250 grams each, Angelica 60 grams, 400 grams of licorice (plant). On the go-between, each serving 10 grams, wine, one and a half, fry until a simmer, if the disease after eating on the service, the disease before the next food service, a few more then into the second service; leave the slag for external application. Those who did not develop pus were eliminated and became pus. ("The Bureau" God effect Tori San)

Everything 痈疽 痈疽 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 忍 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 Water two bowls, fry a bowl, into a bowl of ashless wine. Fry a few more to boil, to simmer, divided into three services, a day and night exhausted, sick twice the weight of day and night, to the degree of fluency for the defecation; the other with a languid study of honeysuckle vine, a little wine to cover around. ("Surgical Essentials" Honeysuckle)

All kinds of swelling and pain, gold edge wound sore, evil sore: 200 grams of gold silver vine, 15 grams of magnet, sesame oil 500 grams.熬 熬 滓 滓 滓 滓 滓 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400. ("Rights and Fortune Business Tips" Honeysuckle Cream)

Accompanied by hemorrhoids: one on the left. Smash, into the realgar 2.5 grams, two liters of water, earthenware pot frying, seven-fold paper seal, wear a hole, to be out of the air, with sores on the hole smoked, three long. After taking out the yellow water, take myogenic medicine to take effect. It also treats powdered drugs. ("Yu Yu Shi Qi Fang")

Remedy for long-term treatment of sores: Lonicera soaked in wine. ("Significant Governance")

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: 50 grams of honeysuckle vine, thin grass sign four money, Millettia 25 grams, 25 grams of geranium, Bai Wei 20 grams, Shuijianbi. ("Shandong Chinese Medicine")

Toxicosis poisoning: fresh honeysuckle stems and leaves an appropriate amount, with cold water wash, chewing service.

Amino Acids

Amino acid additives are used in feed to balance or supplement a particular production purpose of the required nutrients. The main amino acids added in the feed are: lysine, tryptophan, methionine, threonine these limiting amino acids. Amino acids are the basic building blocks of proteins. The essence of protein nutrition is amino acid nutrition. The core of amino acid nutrition is the balance between amino acids.

The balance of amino acids in natural feed is very poor. Almost all of them are not balanced. The animal body in the limited feed can not synthesize themselves.

They can only rely on eating intake of amino acids. The amino acid content of natural feed is very different, each is not the same, because of different kinds, different ratio of natural feed composed of full price compound feed, although try to mix according to the principle of amino acid balance, but their various amino acid content and the proportion between amino acid is still variable, various. Therefore, amino acid additives are needed to balance or supplement the requirements for a particular production purpose.

feed amino acides Lysine,feed amino acides Tryptophan,high quality Threonine

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