The morphological characteristics of floating wheat


Morphological characteristics

Wheat, annual or biennial herb, 60-100cm high. Stems erect, usually 6-9. Leaf sheaths smooth, often shorter than internodes; ligule membranous, short; leaf blade flat, long lanceolate, 15-40cm long, 8-14mm wide, apex acuminate, base round. Spikes erect, 3-10 cm long; spikelets flat on both sides, about 12 mm long, arranged parallel to the cob or close to the branch line, each spikelet with 3-9 flowers, only the lower part of the flower is solid; Ying short, The first ridge is wider than the second ridge, both have sharp ridges on the back, sometimes extending into awns; outer aponeurosis, microfissure into 3 teeth, central teeth often extending into awns, medial malleolus and lateral malleolus, etc. Long or slightly shorter, scaly narrowed wings on ridges; stamens 3; ovary ovate. Caryopsis oblong or nearly ovate, ca. 6 mm, light brown. Flowering from April to May, fruiting from May to June.

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