Column plant morphology


Plant morphology

Theory One:

Listed as biennial or perennial parasitic herbs, high 10-40cm. The whole plant was densely arachnid-like. Stems erect, unbranched, base often swollen. After the leaves are dry, they are yellow-brown. They are born densely in the lower part of the stem. The upper part is gradually sparse; the ovate is lanceolate, 1.5-2 cm long and 5-7 mm wide. Flowers numerous, arranged in spikes, 10-20 cm long; sepals 2, ovate-lanceolate, apex acute; calyx 5-parted, sepals lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, ca. 1/corolla long 2; corolla blue-violet, 1.5-2cm long, the lower tube, the upper slightly curved, with 2 lips, upper lip wide, apex often concave into 2 cracks, lower lip 3 crack, lobes ovoid; stamens 4, 2 strong, Anthers glabrous, filaments hairy; pistil 1; ovary superior, style corolla slightly shorter or slightly longer, stigma inflated, yellow, follicles as long, stigma inflated, yellow, capsule 2-lobed, ovate-elliptic, with majority seed. Flowering from April to July, fruiting from July to September. 2. The difference between this species and the column of Huanghua column is that the whole plant is densely covered with glandular hairs. Corolla yellow; anthers hairy, filaments sparsely shortly glandular hairy.

Theory two

: Herbs of annual parasitic parasites, 15-35cm high. The whole plant is nearly hairless. Rhizomes traversed, cylindrical, usually with 2-3 erect stems, stems not branched, stout, central 1.5-2 cm in diameter, base thickened. The leaves are densely borne in stems near the base, sparsely sparse upwards, triangular or broad ovate triangles, 6-8(-10) mm in length and width. Spikes, cylindrical, 7-22cm long, 1.5-2.5cm in diam.; sepals 1, broadly ovate or suborbicular; pedicels 1-2mm or sessile; calyx cupular, 5-7mm long, Irregular 3-5 teeth at tip; corolla broadly campanulate, dark purple or dark purple, tube swollen into saccate, upper lip erect, nearly hooded, lower lip very short, 3-lobed, lobes triangular or triangular-lanceolate Stamens 4, slightly protruding from corolla, anthers ovate, connective broad; carpels 2; ovary subglobose, styles 5-7 mm long, stigma 2-lobed. Capsules nearly spherical, 8-10mm long, 6-8mm in diameter, 2-lobed. Seeds are small, oval, mostly. Flowering from May to July, fruiting from July to September.

Original form

Parasitic herbs, all hairless. Stem alone, erect. Hypertrophy, height 15 to 25 cm, diameter 1.5 to 2 cm, brown purple. Scales numerous, triangular or ovate, apex acute. Spike length 8 to 14 cm, diameter 2 to 2.5 cm; calyx smooth, cupular, irregularly 5-toothed; corolla dark red-purple, tube dilated into saccate, upper lip slightly concave, lower lip 3-cleft Stamens 4, 2 strong, with stigma are out of the corolla tube. Capsule eggs globose. Flowering from July to August.

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