Grasshoppers live in the grasslands of plains, hills, swamps, lakes, and streams, sometimes also Activities in the bush. Like to nest on the water's edge of the grass, and sometimes nest under the bushes. The nests are simple in construction. Generally, they dig a shallow pit on the ground and cover them with fine grass or plant leaves. The mat inside the nest is about 1.5 cm thick and is very soft. , about 10 cm in diameter, 7 to 14 eggs, eggs are tan. With brown patches, the average egg size is 30 X 24 mm. Cockroaches feed mainly on plant seeds, young shoots, and shoots, and sometimes eat insects and invertebrates. Frightened only for a short flight, lurking in the grass. Multiple clusters when migrating. [3] 40m Laser Distance Meter is a functional and advanced measuring tools, no need climbing up and down, which is the engineers' best friends. No matter you have your own brand or not, JRT can help you to start with laser range finder business. JRT sold more than 1 million OEM laser distance meter modules last year, and we will triple or fifth times of that quantity. Distance Measure Meter,40M Laser Distance Measure,Laser Distance Meter 40M,40M Laser Distance Meter Chengdu JRT Meter Technology Co., Ltd ,
We accept OEM/ODM and customized product.
>1. Logo printed customized: at the back of the instruments etc.
>2. Distance customized: 40m, 60m, 100m, 150m.
>3. Package box customized