Broccoli may be the most significant anti-cancer anti-cancer effect, cauliflower contains more vitamin C, higher than cabbage, tomato, celery, especially in the prevention and treatment of gastric cancer, breast cancer is particularly effective. Studies have shown that serum selenium levels in humans have decreased significantly, and the concentration of vitamin C in gastric juices has been significantly lower than in normal people. And cauliflower not only gives people a certain amount of selenium and vitamin C, but also can supply abundant carotene. It prevents the formation of precancerous lesions and inhibits the growth of cancer. According to studies of nutritionists in the United States, there are many kinds of quinone derivatives in the cauliflower. This compound has the effect of reducing estrogen levels in the human body and can prevent the occurrence of breast cancer. In addition, studies have shown that the most important ingredient in the prevention of cancer in broccoli is “sulphoraphaneâ€, a substance that can increase the activity of carcinogen detoxification enzymes and help cancer cells repair into normal cells. Broccoli, a cruciferous vegetable, contains a special substance called glucosinolate that can help reduce the risk of cancer. Because these disease-resistant compounds all contain sulfur compounds, cruciferous vegetables have a spicy taste, and some people may think it is a bitter taste. But after these bitter compounds enter our bodies, they will break down into small molecules that can inhibit carcinogens from "destroying" them and trying to "drive them out." Importantly, eating broccoli often can reduce the risk of more than one type of cancer, particularly breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, liver cancer, and the like that are well known. Of course, the "great" cruciferous vegetables are not only broccoli, but also cauliflower, cabbage, cabbage, purple cabbage and so on. These vegetables have the strange bitterness, but if you change the cooking method you will find new things: First, you can't overcook, such as yellowing the broccoli, which will make the vegetables have a strong sulphur flavor and lose nutrients. It's best to heat it by steaming or in a microwave oven. Second, mix different vegetables, such as cauliflower and cabbage, plus some radishes. At the same time intake of different cruciferous vegetables, is more conducive to the absorption of nutrients. Third, if you are sensitive to the bitter taste of these vegetables, try adding soy sauce, lemon juice, or vinegar to the cooking process, or pour a little honey, syrup, or jam before cooking. The taste of the seasoning is slightly heavier to cover up the bitterness you don't like. Fourth, add garlic and spices during cooking. Garlic contains active ingredients that are beneficial to the heart, while spices contain a lot of antioxidants. At the same time, spices can reduce the loss of antioxidants in vegetables.
Medical Compressed Air Plant
medical compressed air plant consists of the air compressor, general
filter, aftercooler, precision filter, desiccant air dryer, air buffer
tank, activated carbon filter, compressed air quality monitor,
decompressor, valve, pipeline and terminal. The system generates
compressed air through an air compressor, removes the impurities, oil
mist and moisture in the compressed air through an adsorption dryer
filter unit, delivers the air to the air storage tank and supplies it
through a pipeline to the terminal equipment in the operating room, ICU
and other inpatient wards after decompression.
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