Continuous planting of vegetables often causes disease or even crop failure, which affects the yield and benefits. How do vegetables rotate to avoid diseases? Zhou Shigang replied: 1. Rotating vegetables with different subjects has the same pests and diseases as those of vegetables. Crop rotation in different subjects can reduce or eliminate pests and diseases. For example, planting Chinese cabbage with garlic and onions can reduce the soft rot of Chinese cabbage. 2. Rotation of vegetables with different nutrient absorption and different depths of roots. Crop rotation based on the degree of absorption of soil nutrients by the vegetables and the depth of the roots can make full use of soil nutrients. For arrangement of solanaceous fruits requiring more carbon, leafy vegetables with more nitrogen are required to rotate with leafy vegetables and root vegetables that require more potassium, and deep-rooted root vegetables, solanaceous fruits, beans and melons are arranged. Classes and shallow-rooted leafy vegetables, onion and garlic are used for rotation. 3. Pay attention to the effect of various vegetables on soil pH and soil fertility. For example, growing cabbages, potatoes, etc. will increase the acidity of the soil. Planting corn and squash will reduce soil acidity. Onions that are more sensitive to acidity will be used as corn and pumpkins. For crops, higher yields can be obtained. Planting some beans, grasses, or other crops can improve soil structure and increase soil fertility. 4. Considering the inhibition of weeds by former crops Some vegetables, such as pumpkins, wax gourds, cabbages, which have a rapid growth rate, or have a high planting density, or a long growing period, or a large leaf area coefficient, have a large coverage of soil area. Soybeans, potatoes, etc. have inhibitory effects on the growth of weeds, while carrots, kale, celery, onions, etc., due to slow growth or small leaves at the seedling stage, are easy to breed weeds, so when the cultivation, the former and the latter should be arranged for rotation. Urology Catheter,Urology Instrument,Medline Catheter Bag,Uro Drain Bag K-MED Co., Ltd. ,