(1) Damage symptoms Leaves, petioles, stems, tendrils and fruits can be affected. 1 In the leaves, the victims suffered from small water-soaked spots at the leaf edges, and then expanded to light brown irregular spots with halo around them. In severe cases, large water-soaked spots develop from the edge of the leaf to the middle of the leaf, brown and trapezoidal. 2 petiole, tendril and stem disease; was flooding agricultural technology network, brown. 3 Infected with fruit, the lesion first appeared in the stalk and then turned brown. The fruit yellowed and withered ny97.cn, and when it became dry, it became a mummy. When the humidity was high, the diseased part had a pyomerrhea overflow. (3) Control methods 1 Select disease-resistant varieties and seeds without disease, while doing a good job of seed disinfection. 2 Take more than 2 years of crop rotation with non-melon crops, pay attention to doing a good job of ventilation. 3 chemical control, the incidence of disease can be used and the same bacterial leaf spot control methods. Spice Novelties Co.,Limited , https://www.wholesale-adult-toys.cn