For flower type operation lamp, it has two types of lamp head, one is big one, it has 64 LED bulbs which from Germany osram, another small one, it has 45 LED bulbs, also from Germany. the surgical lamps bulb can last long for 8 hours, that is one of the reasons which our surgical lamp has low maintainance rate. for Double Dome Surgical Lamp, can constituted by one big+one big lamp head, one big+one smal lamp head and one small+ one small lamp head, it can be choosed depends on users' requirment;
the flowet type OT lamp has functions of Bright and Uniform illumination; Outstanding color temperature control performance; Supramaximal effective light field;Electric focusing system;
Double Dome Flower Ot Lamp,Double Dome Ot Lamp,Double Dome Operation Lamp,Double Dome Surgery Light Shandong Lewin Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. ,
In terms of market, the domestic consumption market of puffer fish is mainly in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shanghai and other places, while the export is mainly in Japan and South Korea.
Looking back at 2010, the market price of puffer fish is good, 30 yuan/kg for 3-5, 34-35 yuan/kg for 4-6, and 38 yuan/kg for 5-7, and 40 yuan/kg for more than 6; Generally a level of price difference between 4-5 yuan / kg.
The cost of farming is 16-20 yuan/kg. If you don't use a greenhouse, the cost will be around 16 yuan/kg, but there will also be the risk of frostbite and frostbite. In 2008, the cold wave caused great losses.
According to analysis by industry insiders, the market price of pufferfish was good in 2010. First of all, due to climatic reasons in the Yangtze River Delta region, the scale of breeding of the fish decreased;
Secondly, the continuous downturn of the puffer fish market in 2007-2009 caused farmers' confidence to be undermined, resulting in no significant increase in fish consumption in 2010. Third, with the partial release of artificially cultivated puffer fish, the future market may further increase.
Seedlings, puffer fish seedlings through the artificial regulation of production, each year from November to June the following year have seed supply.
Under natural conditions, Shanghai, Jiangsu, and other places, from May to June for seedlings; Fujian, a large number of seedlings for May-May. Prices were 0.1 yuan last year 1cm / tail, 2cm 0.25 yuan / tail, 3cm 0.3 yuan / tail. The current 1cm seedlings 0.15 yuan / tail, it is expected that the next seedling price changes will not be too much.
However, industry insiders pointed out that due to the better market last year, this year's breeding volume will likely increase substantially, and the price is likely to decline. This is also the biggest concern for farmers.
Dark-lined Eastern Cormorant: Farming volume may rise sharply this year
Takifugu obscurus, one of the most common species of puffer fish currently under cultivation, is considered to be non-toxic and safe to eat under artificial cultivation conditions. At present, the Guangdong Pearl River Delta, Jiangsu Province, the following counties along the river, Fujian Zhangzhou and other places have aquaculture, and the Pearl River Delta region, with its climate advantage, has become the most important breeding area, the estimated aquaculture area is about 40,000 acres.