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How to apply DAP reasonably during the spring season
Ammonium phosphate applied fertilizer, playing the role of "delicious". The use of an accurate amount of ammonium phosphate as a seed fertilizer can embody a "smart." The low temperature of spring farmland, phosphorus activation in soil nutrients pool is slow, and the seedling stage of the crop is in the critical period of phosphorus nutrition, sensitive to phosphorus, easy to lack of phosphorus, and at this time phosphorus deficiency, crop seedlings are not strong, poor resistance . The farmer said: "There is money to buy seeds and no money to buy seedlings." It is difficult to obtain high yield in the later period. The precise amount of ammonium phosphate applied at the time of sowing is called applying fertilizer or mouth fat. There are two key technologies for applying fertilizers. First, the dosage is controlled at 5 kg/mu. Second, the application technique must be applied to the seeds 2 to 3 cm below the slope. Do not allow fertilizers to come into contact with seeds. Spring corn, soybeans and cotton in the northern spring crop all require the application of seed fertilizers. Ammonium phosphate was used as a base fertilizer for spring crops to ensure that the fruits and seeds were strong, grain weight and yield were guaranteed in the middle and late fertility. The base fertilizer of the crop is also called base fertilizer. Basal fertilizer is the nutrient that is applied to the whole growing period of the crops before the planting in the soil. For the needs of crops, phosphorus is the synthesis and transformation of nucleic acid nucleoproteins and carbohydrates in crops, and it is an indispensable nutrient element for transportation of grain and fruits. The role of base fertilizer is to supplement the nutrition in the middle and later stages. For this reason, the phosphate fertilizer should be applied deeper. Because of the poor mobility of phosphorus in the soil, the absorption efficiency can only be increased if it is applied to the distribution area of ​​the main root system of the crop. The depth of the base fertilizer for different crops should be different. In particular, fruit trees require 40-60 cm, vegetables 20 cm, and food crops 20-30 cm. The amount of ammonium phosphonium used in the basal fertilizer varies depending on the type of crop and the fertilization status of the previous crop. For example, the farmland that has been applied with organic fertilizer can use less fertilizer; the plots that use ammonium phosphate each year can use less or change the application fertilizer. The general recommended amount of ammonium phosphate fertilizer for general food crops is 8 to 10 kilograms, 8 to 12 kilograms for soybeans, and 12 to 16 kilograms for cotton. Reasonable application of diammonium phosphate, there are two bogey: First, it should not use it as top dressing, spread on the surface; Second, it should not use it as water feiting, so that the precious gold phosphorus away from the surface runoff, and the roots of the crop root Out of reach. In addition, use alternative measures for low-level phosphate fertilizers. Ammonium phosphate is more expensive and farmers can use other cheaper phosphate fertilizers. The elemental phosphate fertilizers that are currently available on the market are universal calcium phosphate, which is a phosphorus fertilizer containing 12% to 18% of water-soluble phosphorus (P2O5). The phosphorus content of three bags of superphosphate and one bag of diammonium phosphate are comparable. Due to the low nutrient content, not only the price of each bag is cheap, but also the price of nutrients per unit is lower than that of diammonium phosphate. The advantage of calcium phosphate is that it contains a large number of micronutrients, such as calcium, sulfur, magnesium and iron. These are the necessary nutrients for the growth and development of crops. Farmers in the vast southern and central regions of the Yangtze River in China generally prefer to use this fertilizer. Northern applications are not widespread in the South, but they are also commercially available. Due to the fact that there are few fertilizers such as calcium and sulfur in the north and there is a shortage in the soil, it is appropriate to apply calcium superphosphate in the north at present, and the long-term application will be better. In addition, the alternative phosphorus fertilizers of the same kind as ordinary calcium are calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizers, which are non-water soluble phosphate fertilizers, suitable for slightly acidic and acidic soils in central and southern China and can only be used as basal fertilizers. The other features of calcium, magnesium, and phosphate are the same as that of ordinary calcium. Besides calcium and magnesium, it also contains silicon, which can enhance the robustness and disease resistance of rice straw. In short, high-concentration and high-quality diammonium phosphate should be used scientifically and economically, and the land will be effective. By the same token, cheaper calcium and calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizers will have good results and benefits.