In winter, people love to drink some white wine and feel warm and hot. However, Chang Yuying, chief physician of Department of Gastroenterology at the Fourth People's Hospital of Sichuan Province, reminded that it is not suitable for drinking liquor, especially if you do not drink it when you are in hot pot, or you may easily injure the stomach. First of all, in the dry climate in winter, often eat hot pot, especially the spicy pot will cause damage to the body. Chang Yuying said that over-concentrated spicy substances can stimulate gastrointestinal dilatation, causing over-congestion of the digestive tract and damaging the gastrointestinal mucosa. Those suffering from gastritis and gastric ulcers may aggravate the condition. If you drink alcohol at this time, the high concentration of alcohol will also damage the mucus protective layer on the stomach surface and cause damage to the stomach wall protein, resulting in a similar "scald" effect. In addition, many people eat too much when eating hot pot, will increase the burden on the stomach. These kinds of adverse effects will produce a "superimposed effect", causing greater damage to the gastrointestinal tract and easily causing diseases of the digestive system. Clinically, stomach discomfort, acute pancreatitis, and even stomach bleeding caused by eating hot pot while drinking alcohol are common. Wang Xingguo, deputy secretary-general of the Dalian Nutrition Society, also said that when you eat hot pot, ingesting alcohol will have greater stimulation of the stomach, so it is best not to drink alcohol, especially alcohol with high alcohol content. Drink a beer or two for digestion, but be careful not to overdo it. Purine in the hot pot soup will be converted into uric acid in the body, and beer will transport uric acid to the human joints or soft tissue, resulting in gout, and in severe cases can cause complications such as kidney stones and uremia. In addition, cold and hot foods can also cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract. It is even more important to note that when shabu-shabu is served, kelp and white wine cannot be mixed because seaweed will harden in the event of liquor and cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Chang Yuying pointed out that when eating hot pot, it is best to drink boiled water or tea, which can add water in time, will not destroy the pH balance of the digestive tract, it will not stimulate the digestive tract and cause adverse reactions. You can also drink yogurt, because it contains lactic acid bacteria, can inhibit the growth of spoilage bacteria, weakening the role of toxins in the intestine to protect the gastrointestinal tract, prevent greasy and other factors caused by the hot pot, diarrhea, abdominal pain. (Stone Park) Neck Traction Support,Cervical Neck Traction,Cervical Orthosis Neck Traction Support ,Magnetic Knee Brace K-MED Co., Ltd. ,