The vibration of the three-legged centrifuge is generally caused by the vibration of the three-legged centrifuge itself, which may cause the vibration of the three-legged centrifuge in the following aspects:
Classification of kitchen condiments;Jining hongshan trading co., LTD. Is one of the companies specialized in processing and exporting agricultural products and spices.We have modern and spacious warehouse, which ensures the safe storage of a large number of products, so we can supply all year round. The kitchen seasoning includes Sichuan Pepper, cinnamon and Dried Fennel, which are commonly used seasoning, and are indispensable for cooking fish stew and marinating food.Reasonable price, timely delivery and flexible payment.
Kitchen Condiment,Acrylic Kitchen Condiment,Pepper Sauce,Cinnamon Powder Jining Sunagro Trade Co., Ltd. ,
1, the drum
Fault analysis: Uneven loading, elimination method: Stir the suspension, it is uniform loading; the filter cloth mesh is not well bonded, or the partial leakage causes the drum to lose balance. Remedy: Re-attach the filter cloth or replace it. repair.
2 , the spindle bearing is seriously worn or damaged, the elimination method: replace the bearing; the spindle nut is loose, the elimination method: tighten the nut.
3 , the installation is not horizontal or the anchor nut is loose, the elimination method: install the horizontal or tighten the foot nut.
4 , shock absorption dry yellow broken, solution: replace the shock absorber spring.
Once the three-legged centrifuge has vibration, it must be stopped immediately to ensure the safety of the machine and the body. Reading: The poor lubrication of the main bearing affects the vibration of the basic centrifuge.