Harmful symptoms Cherry brown rot is also known as Sclerotinia, gray rot and so on. It can invade flowers, leaves, shoots and fruits, but suffer the most from the fruits. After the infestation of flower organs, brownish water spots first appeared in stamens and petals, and then the whole flower quickly rotted and the surface was covered with gray mold. When the leaves are injured, dark brown water spots appear on the edges of the young leaves and quickly expand to the petiole, causing the entire leaf to wilt droop, such as frost-like damage. Fruits from young fruit to mature fruit can be the disease, the incidence of near-mature fruit is heavier. Brown round lesions appear on the fruit surface at the onset of the disease. If the conditions are appropriate, the lesions can be expanded to full fruit within a few days, and the flesh can turn brown and soft rot. Later, on the surface of the lesion, gray-brown to gray-white spruce was generated. After the rot of the diseased fruit, it is easy to fall off, but it can also be dehydrated and shrunk into a stale fruit and hung on the tree. The law of incidence Brown rot pathogens mainly live in winter with the mycelium in stagnant fruit, diseased shoots on trees or on the ground. During the growing season, it spreads through water, insects and invades from wounds and lenticels. In the flowering period to the young fruit in the case of low temperature and humidity, easily cause flower rot or fruit rot. The fruit ripening period can easily cause fruit rot under high temperature and humidity conditions. The tree vigor is weak, the branches and leaves are too dense, and the ventilation and light transmission are easy to cause the disease. Scientific prevention 1 After the spring temperature rose, spray 3-5 Baume of lime sulfur. 2 Reasonable pruning to improve ventilation and light conditions in orchards, reduce orchard humidity; strengthen control of pests and reduce the spread of germs. 3 After the cherry is sprayed, spray 70% thiophanate-methyl 800-1000 times, or 50% raymide 1000-1200 times, or 65% dexamethasone WP 500 times, etc., after about 15 days. Spray 2 more times. 4Before the 30th day of maturation, spray 50% raymide 1000 times, 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 700 times, Jinggangmycin 500 times, or 50% acetaminophen 1000 times. The effect is significant. 5 eliminate the wintering germs. Combine the winter shears and completely cut out the stale and diseased branches of the trees and burn them together. At the same time, clean the ground of the orchard, and then make a deep turn. Combine the orchard with ploughing and bury the stiff fruits below 10 cm. Combined ND H9N2 IBD Killed Vaccine Vaccination For Chicks,Chicken Combination Vaccine,Poultry Vaccine For Chicken,Combined Nd Flu Ibd Vaccine Shangqiu Meilan Biological Engineering Co.,Ltd , https://www.melanvaccine.com