Researchers at the University of Toronto and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a new Internet-based integrated real-time infectious disease surveillance system. The system uses world air passenger data to assist the Olympic Games and other large-scale personnel gathering activities to prevent infectious disease surveillance. Related papers are published in the latest issue of the Journal of the Canadian Medical Association. Medical experts who participated in the study said that with the world's total population approaching 7 billion, and the number of people on air transport rising sharply, coupled with international activities that often hold large-scale gatherings, such as Muslim Mecca pilgrimage, Vancouver winter The Olympic Games and the upcoming G20 summit in Canada will bring a large number of people to travel by plane, which will accelerate the spread of infectious diseases. At the Special Olympics held in the United States in 1991, there was a measles epidemic. The root cause was that Argentine athletes spread the measles that were prevalent in the country. Researchers from Canada and the United States have tested this new model system with the Vancouver Winter Olympics as a case. The system can identify infectious diseases at the birthplace of infectious diseases and help prevent infectious diseases from being introduced to large-scale events. Researchers used two completely independent system models for global air travel and infectious disease surveillance, combined with historical data from Vancouver's international flights to Hong Kong in February to predict when the Winter Olympics will be held in February this year. The starting point for Vancouver travelers. Historical data shows that travelers come from more than 800 cities around the world, and almost two-thirds of them come from 25 central checkpoints set up by researchers. The researchers concentrated on real-time infectious disease surveillance in these areas, and found no international epidemic diseases pose a serious threat to the Vancouver Winter Olympics. Researchers believe that combining world air travel data with Internet-based real-time infectious disease surveillance has greatly improved the predictive power of the global infectious disease situation. They plan to use the model system again at the G20 summit in Canada and the World Cup in South Africa in June this year, and further verify it. The HOLDING foley catheter tube holders are cotton straps worn to secure the catheter tube and to increase comfort. They are available in adjustable velcro or adhesive varieties. This catheter holder device prevents uncomfortable or painful pulling of the catheter and allows the user freedom of movement. It is suggestion for single use. Disposable Foley Catheter Holder Catheter Tube Holder,Disposable Foley Catheter Holder,Foley Catheter Holder,Foley Catheter Tube Holder Chengdu Cryo-Push Medical Technology Co., Ltd. ,