The best mating age is 18 months of age, weight 350-400 kg, and mating when mature. Although dairy cows can be estrus mated all year round, but not any seasonal mating can obtain good economic benefits, a large number of studies at home and abroad confirmed that spring, autumn and winter calving are better than summer calving, especially the implementation of spring with autumn it is good. In summer, the most serious malnutrition is due to the fact that summer temperatures are too high, milk production is 12%-20% lower than in autumn and winter, milk lactose and protein are reduced, salt concentration, milk fat percentage are reduced, milk quality is decreased, and it is difficult to store. As well as the objectively off-season market, the income from breeding has been significantly reduced. Therefore, we must avoid summer calving. Since the cow's pregnancy period is 280 days, as long as the cow is not arranged for breeding in September-November, it can better avoid the midsummer calving. Cows older than 10 years old should be eliminated because of the gradual aging of the body and the decreased milk production. The optimal temperature of the cowhouse temperature: the cold and heat-resistant cows, suitable temperature for calves is 35°C-38°C, the suitable temperature for dairy cows is 12°C-14°C, and the suitable temperature for pregnant cows and lactating dairy cows is 16°C-20. °C. If the temperature of the dairy cow is higher than 24°C or lower than -4°C, the amount of milk produced will be reduced. Therefore, the summer should be protected against heat and the winter should be kept warm. Drinking water temperature: Cows replace brackish water with bran water at 38°C to 40°C within one week after delivery, which can effectively replenish bodily fluids and restore the body. In spring and winter, cows drink at a temperature of 9°C-15°C, and drink 0°C-2. °C water produces 0.57 kg of milk per day. Note that the water temperature in winter should not be lower than 5 °C. It is suitable for cows to drink 10 °C to 20 °C of non-polluting well water in summer. Yak is warmer than adult cattle, so the temperature of drinking water should be lower than that of adult cattle. Cow height is generally 35°C-38°C. Scrubbing temperature: The cows can wash the breasts with warm water of 45°C-50°C before each milking, which can play a good massage effect. If the nipples are scrubbed with overheated or cold water, it can produce milk reflection inhibition reaction and reduce production. Milk volume. In order to help the cow body to dissipate heat in the summer, the cow body can be brushed with water, and the brushing water temperature should be around 20°C. The best raw material for a dairy cow needs about 180 kg of protein per year, while high-quality pasture produces more than 200 kg of protein per mu, and a high yield of more than 300 kg means that 1 mu of high-quality forage can feed 1 cow. Tests have shown that the same amount of milk can be used to reduce the consumption of concentrate by 40% and reduce the cost of milk by 14% under the conditions of feeding high-quality forage, silage, and tubers. However, leguminous forages contain saponins, and cows feeding too much can cause rumen blowouts. Attention should be paid to feeding with grasses. Silage generally accounts for 20% of dry matter in the diet. Increasing the amount of feed tends to reduce the fat percentage. The proportion of the best refined coarse material should also be coarse and fine after feeding. The fine material should be as small as possible. The proportion of crude dietary crude of dairy cows should be reasonably adjusted according to the structure of the diet and different lactation periods in order to obtain the best economic benefits. The consumption of concentrates for the production of 1 kilogram of milk should not exceed 350 grams. The proportion of concentrates in dairy cow diets should increase with the increase in milk production. Tests have shown that milk cows with an annual output of 2,500-3,000 kilograms of dairy cows account for 14%-18% of concentrates for their diets, 3500-4000 kilograms of milk, and 21%-25% for concentrates. Milk 4500-5000 kg, fine material accounting for 30%-35%; annual output of milk 5500-6000 kg, fine material accounting for 37%-39%. During the dry period, it is not advisable to significantly reduce fine material, to prevent the serious decline of the disease in the dairy cows, to prolong the calving process, to reduce the calf's constitution, to produce poor quality milk, and to produce low yields. Generally, the amount of concentrate to be fed should account for 0.8% of the cow's body weight. Winter and Spring mix concentrates can be increased by 15% to compensate for the maintenance of nutrients that need to be increased. In summer and autumn, a large amount of green feed should be supplemented, and the amount of energy substances in the concentrate (corn, bran) should be appropriately reduced, and minerals and vitamins should be appropriately increased to relieve stress. Best Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor ,Wrist Cuff Blood Pressure Monitor,Hylogy Blood Pressure Monitor,Touch Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor Shenzhen urion Technology Co., Ltd. ,