[Scientific name] Stemona sessilifolia [alias] white strip root [Department of genus] Originate from China Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Anhui, Shandong and other provinces. Hi warm and humid climate, with deep, fertile sandy loam or humus-rich loam. Stems upright. Subshrubs, high 30--60cm. Tuberous succulent, spindlelike. The impeller is oval, ovate-elliptic, apical at tip and cuneate at base. Flowers solitary, bell-shaped, flowering April-June. Divided by law, it can also be sowed. Standing straight upright and upright, it can be used as a hillside and under-ground cover plant. There are 10 species of the same genus, and one common species is S. tuberose. CAD/CAM dental systems refers to the software used to both design and mill dental prosthetics. CAD (Computer Aided Design) includes digitally scanning, while CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) is the process of sending final models to the output device and manufacturing them through milling or 3D printing. DGSHAPE devices and software are specifically engineered to perfectly fit into this digital workflow. CAD CAM Dental Milling Machine Cad Cam Milling,Cad Milling Machine,Cad Cam Dental Machine Price,Dental Cad Cam Cnc Milling Machine Shandong Carved Intelligent Technology Group Co.,Ltd , https://www.demetdent.com
Demetdent CAD/CAM Dental Milling Machines were built with you in mind. Built-to-last and designed for the simplified set-up and milling of a wide-range of dental prosthetic materials, make milling more comfortable and convenient for lab technicians. In addition, Demetdent dental milling machines offer industry best warranties and a legendary level of dealer support, customer service and technical support.