Alias: Round Goat Family is: water dragon orthopedic, fan fern Plant Category: Medium Terrestrial Fern Morphological characteristics: Plant height 60cm. Rhizome thick and transverse, densely scaled, dark brown. Ye Yuansheng, near the paper, sparse brown scales below. Petiole length 30 ~ 45cm. Blade length 25-30cm, fan-shaped. Leaf veins are reticular, with dense meshes and built-in branching veins. The sporangia are born in the lower part of the lobes, round or oblong, close to the main vein. Origin distribution: Produced in Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou. Born more than 1500-2700m above sea level in the jungle. Growth habits: Hi damp and wet environment, avoid direct sunlight. Adapt to general or cool climate, have certain cold-resistant, drought-resistant ability. All humus-rich loam is suitable for cultivated soil. Reproduction method: Reproduction with rhizomes or spores. The fern sporangium has a vertical annulus, a highly developed rip zone, usually with 32 spores, two spores, and an oval-shaped polar view. The orthoptera is the most evolved and most recent representative group in the phyllophyte fern plants. Cultivation Management: Potted plants should be planted in shallow pots, and garden soil and rot-leaf soil can be mixed by 1:2. Daily watering can be as long as the basin soil is moist, and in summer it is hot and dry, and appropriate amount of water can be sprayed to increase the air humidity. Fertilize once every 2 months. Pots should be placed in diffuse sunlight. Winter night temperature 8 ~ IO °C, that is, to keep the leaves green winter. There are about 500 species belonging to 46 genera of water keel, most of which are epiphytic plants typical of the tropics and subtropics. There are about 22 genera and more than 150 species in China. The typical representative is the genus of water keel. Fan Fern is a rare special product of our country and it is classified as a National Grade III Protected Plant because of its minimal quantity. Use characteristics: The fan-shaped fern leaves are unusually ornamental. Can be planted in the ditch of the scenic area under the forest to add wild fun, but also potted furnishings in the living room, study, very interesting. Fertilizer pump mounted directly on the pipe, the kinetic energy of pipe flow to drives the pump to work at a set ratio to suck high erconcentration drug or quantitative fertilizer in to the pump. After mixed with the water and delivered to downstream. No matter How to change the water pressure, Drug or fertilizer will be mixed and discharged according to a certain proportion. Greenhouse Automatic Proportional Pump Greenhouse Automatic Proportional Pump,Greenhouse Automatic Drip Irrigation,Greenhouse Automatic Fertilizer Injector JIANGSU SKYPLAN GREENHOUSE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD ,
Scientific name: Nephrolepisa uriculata