Aliases: ear grazing grass, grass, blue teaspoon 癀 Family Genus: a dry whole plant of the genus Astragalus of the family Lamiaceae. Morphological characteristics: Hanxin grasses are perennial grasses; stems are solitary or several stems clustered, stem from short rhizomes, 12-28 cm tall, slender, square-cylindrical, puberulent. Leafy to nearly papery, heart-shaped to ovoid, sometimes elliptic, 1.5 to 2.6 cm long, blunt or round at top, rounded or somewhat heart-shaped at base, margin serrate, both surfaces hirsute or rough V. hair; petiole length of 0.4 to 1.4 cm or over. Flowering in spring and summer; flowers blue-violet, opposite, multiple flowers arranged in terminal racemes; calyx 2.5 mm, campanulate, 2-lipped, rounded scutellum 1.5 mm posterior to posterior lobes, resulting in increased fruit size As large as 3 mm; corolla 1.4-1.8 cm long, puberulous, basally basally swollen at base of crown tube, straight at upper part, 2-lipped at ankle, upper lip helmet-shaped, micro-concave, lower lip lobe larger, Oval, central contracture; 4 stamens, two strong stamens. 4 small nuts, oval, about 1 mm in length, hidden in an enlarged place. Born on hillsides, grasslands, wilderness, roadsides, valleys, and forest edges. Distributed in our province and Shaanxi, Henan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Hunan, Guangxi, Hainan and other provinces, India, Indonesia, Japan also have distribution. Medicinal herbs: Origin: There is production in all parts of our province. Harvesting and processing: harvesting during spring and summer flowering period. Grab the whole grass, shake off the sand, wash it and dry it. Traits: The whole grass is 10-25 cm long. Slim. The stem is quadrangular and branched. Leaves opposite, stipitate; leaf blade more contraction, flattened round, oval, length 1 to 2 cm, width 0.8 to 1.5 cm, green brown, apex obtuse, base heart-shaped, edge serrated sawtooth, Both sides are covered with fine hair. Racemes terminal, corolla blue, many have fallen off. The small nuts grow, the remaining calyxes are bell-shaped, and a sac-like shield scale appears on the back of the calyx tube. Micro gas, slightly bitter taste, salty. Quality requirements: Fine stems, leaves, green brown, with "ear digging" like fruit branches are better. Packing and storage: bundles are pressed into a bag, sealed with a sack, and stored in a dry place. Concocted: Remove impurities, cut into sections, and screen away dust. Taste: pungent, bitter, slightly cold. Gui: After the heart, liver, lungs. Function and Indications: Qingrejiedu, Sanyu stop bleeding, Qufeng pain. For liver heat irritability, Hyperactivity cough, blood heat hemoptysis, hematemesis, sore throat, wind and fire toothache. Topical treatment of sore boils, bruises, traumatic bleeding, snake bites. Usage and dosage: 6 ~ 9 grams, Shuijianbi. Apply a proper amount of fresh product to the affected area. With the improvement of living standards, snack foods have been deeply loved by the masses of the people. When you walk into the supermarket, you will see snacks such as preserved fruit, sour horns, potato chips, almonds, pistachios, fish fillets, dried meat, and spiced fried meat. Snack foods are gradually upgrading to become the daily necessities of the people. As the economy develops and the level of consumption increases, consumers' demand for the quantity and quality of snack foods continues to grow. Crispy Rice,Green Beans,Casual Snacks,Mushroom Snacks Hangzhou Aiyomi food co.,LTD ,
Scientific name: Scutellaria indica Linn.