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Duck feeding technology
Autumn forage is abundant and the temperature is suitable. It is the golden season for rearing autumn ducks. Duck investment is less, quicker, and more income, is a good way to get rich. 1. Select the ducklings: Select the individual, the umbilical part is clean and dry, lively and godlike, the fetal hair is soft and shiny, eat fast and more, and the loudly called ducklings are used for breeding ducks. 2, open food: first use 50 grams of Coptis and 250 grams of licorice Jianzhi spices for 100 ducks to take. Then use 0.5 kg of mung bean, 0.1 kg of gypsum and 10 kg of rice, and feed for 3-5 days. At the same time give the ducklings brown sugar water or glucose water, ducklings do not rush to launch the water within 7 days, do not let the ducks in the temperature exceeds 32 °C place activities, to be in the bamboo forest, the stream and other shade of rest, but also can not let its set to play . After the ducklings start eating, they are fed with half-cooked rice and cold water, fed 5-7 times a day, half-full after each feeding, and 5 days later, they are fed with light salt water. After 7 days, before 10 a.m. and after 6 p.m., The ducks rushed into the field in the water for 15 minutes each time; they fed some duckweed green feed every day for 20 days; the ducklings could gradually reduce the number and quantity of feedings after 20 days, and they could salvage some feces and small fish. Insect feeding, 30 days later you can drive into rice fields and rivers. 3. Add shelters: In early autumn, ducks should be kept as early as possible, and ducks should be rushed to shade shelters or under big trees to cool off at noon to reduce heat radiation to prevent heat stroke. It is advisable to set up a shelter for every 100 ducks. 4, to enhance ventilation: to ensure the air circulation of the duck house, fresh and cool, such as the night of hot weather, the ducks cry uneasy, you can duck into the pool of water, you can also use electric fans and other artificial ventilation. 5, feed preparation: Miao duck raised to 7 days of age can be transferred to normal feeding. Feed mix: Corn 38%, bran 12%, bean cake 25%, fishmeal 3%, shell powder 20%, bone meal 1.5%, salt 0.5%, crude protein 18-19%. 7 days after hatching, feeding is conducted once every 3 hours; after 20 days of feeding, it is fed 3-4 times a day, and paddy fields can be used for stocking to reduce the amount of materials used. 6, scientific grazing: scientific grazing should be three, five not hold. The third is that ducks should be trained on the rods a few days before the ducks are released, and ducks should be fed with suitable feeds to avoid excessive swallowing of hunger due to hunger and hunger; they should choose shallow water, clear water, and plenty of grass. Grazing, grazing time should grow with the age of the duck, from near to far, at noon to rest in the shade, and swim at any time drinking water, so that early harvest and pastoral pastoral. 5. Keep on the way: do not go to the field on grazing road, can not go hot road; not grazing where pesticides are contaminated; do not make duck flapping wings to avoid frightened wounds of ducks; do not reverse water grazing, water back out, water goes back; Grazing under the hot sun. 7, anti-disease heat stroke: Duck duck body is delicate, early autumn climate is hot and easy to heat stroke. When the ducklings appear irritated and clenched, they can swim in deep ditch to prevent heat stroke. Such as ducklings in grazing, suddenly wet hair sinking, circle is a sign of heatstroke, can be used to puncture small blood vessels in the foot with small sewing needles, then fed Yandan 2 or a small amount of Huoxiangzhengqi water, vinegar white sugar Water, take a rest in the shade. 8, to strengthen insulation: from the end of October will have to do a good job of cold wind invasion, stocking should be rushed to warmer beaches, Tong Hom, canals and other shelters, so as to avoid cold and cold. 9, the intensity of fattening: ducks feeding 50-60 days to grow to 1-1.2 kg, then use high-energy low-protein compound feed quickly fill fat. 10, to strengthen the prevention and treatment of epidemics: fall duck duck prone to big head lice, the mortality rate of up to 90%. Therefore, we should diligently sweep the duck dung from ducks and wash the feed tanks; keep the ducks dry and ventilated; disinfect with 10-29% fresh lime liquor; regularly inject duck dumplings, poultry outbreaks, etc. to immunize; often Feeding Prunella vulgaris, iron whip, garlic, dandelion, and other feeds to prevent disease; feeding oxytetracycline once a week for an average of 500 grams per 50 kg of feed; and using duck plague vaccine for suspected duck populations and presumed healthy duck populations Emergency vaccination, strict disinfection, early partition. Practice shows that using 250 grams of butter, 120 grams of pepper and garlic, mix and feed 80 ducks. Or use 1 kg of barley to fry, heat into the cylinder, and then use a rabbit's blood to mix and fry the wheat to feed the duck. Within 24 hours after feeding, the duck is forbidden to drink water and water, which has a good effect on preventing and curing diseases.