Spring orchard fertility taboo


After urea treatment, avoid watering immediately and avoid using water to spread urea. Urea is applied to the soil and converted into amide, which is easy to run off with water. It cannot be watered immediately after application, nor can it be applied before heavy rain, and soil application after application can increase fertilizer efficiency.

Ammonium and urea cannot be mixed with urea. The amide nitrogen can not be absorbed by crops. Only under the action of adenosine in the soil, it can be used by crops after being converted into ammonium nitrogen; carbon iron is applied to the soil, resulting in a short period of soil solution. Acidic reaction will accelerate the volatilization of nitrogen in urea, so it can not be mixed application. Ammonium bicarbonate can not be mixed with bacterial fertilizer, because the former will emit a certain concentration of ammonia gas, which is toxic to the active bacteria of the latter, will make the fertilizer lose its fertilizer effect.

Acidic fertilizers must not be mixed with alkaline fertilizers such as ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, and ammonium phosphate. They must not be mixed with alkaline fertilizers such as grass ash, lime, and kiln ash, and a neutralization reaction may occur, resulting in loss of nitrogen and reduction of fertilizer efficiency.

Ammonium sulphate avoid long-term use of ammonium sulfate as a physiological acid fertilizer, long-term application in the same soil will increase its acidity, damage the structure of the granules; in alkaline soils, ammonium sulfate ammonium ions are absorbed, and acid ions remain in the soil and calcium A reaction occurs and the soil hardens.


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