Peking University Hospital completed the first transcatheter aortic valve implantation


Peking University Hospital completed the first transcatheter aortic valve implantation

August 19, 2016 Source: Xinhuanet

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Recently, Professor Huo Yong from Cardiovascular Department of Peking University Hospital led the heart team to complete the first transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) at Peking University Hospital, which opened a new chapter in the treatment of structural heart disease.

With the aging process of the population, the number of patients with severe aortic stenosis is increasing, which seriously threatens the health of patients. Previous surgery was the only effective cure, and some patients were older and had more common diseases. They were generally in poor condition and could not tolerate surgery. If you simply use medication, the one-year mortality rate is close to 50%. In 2002, French doctor A. Cribier first treated a severe aortic valve dying patient who could not tolerate surgery with percutaneous transcatheter aortic valve implantation and was successful.

In 2010, Academician Ge Junbo performed the first TAVI operation in China. At present, there are only a few heart centers in the country that can be carried out, which is a new difficulty in interventional cardiology. Peking University Hospital sent Liu Zhaoping and Ma Wei as two doctors to study abroad, and set up a professional TAVI team led by Professor Huo Yong of Cardiovascular Medicine and Chief Physician Xiao Feng of Cardiac Surgery. The experts included cardiovascular medicine. Department of Cardiac Surgery, Anesthesiology, Interventional Vascular Surgery, Medical Imaging, etc.

The patient who underwent the first operation was an 81-year-old woman with severe aortic stenosis, obesity, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), type 2 respiratory failure, and one-sided nephrectomy. She was a high-risk patient. Before performing surgical treatment, Cardiovascular Department Ma Wei, Zheng Bo Deputy Chief Physician, Cardiac Surgery Wang Jin Chief Physician, Yang Yang Deputy Chief Physician, Anesthesiology Song Linlin Deputy Chief Physician, Interventional Vascular Surgery Yang Min, Guo Hongjie Deputy Chief Physician, Medical Imaging After the multidisciplinary consultation, Ke Qijian, deputy chief physician and Dr. Zhao Kai, recommended TAVI surgery for treatment and careful preparation. On the day of surgery, Professor Huo Yong, Professor Hong Tao and Professor Li Jianping participated in the joint instruction. Ma Wei and Zheng Bo, deputy chief physicians underwent surgery under the guidance of foreign experts, and the patients are now recovering well.

It is reported that Cardiovascular Department of Peking University Hospital is one of the earliest heart centers in China to carry out interventional therapy. It has achieved many achievements in coronary heart disease and electrophysiological interventional therapy. The implementation of this technology is a new breakthrough in the development of interventional cardiology in our hospital. Another milestone. In the future, Cardiovascular Department of Peking University Hospital will continue to cause new treatment technologies, including transcatheter left atrial appendage occlusion and percutaneous mitral valve repair, which will bring more new treatment options for patients with cardiovascular disease in China.

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