What's wrong with chili curly fruit


The normal shape of peppers is generally straight, but in planting and production, it is often found that in addition to straight, there are many curved, sometimes even curved to twisted, and curved to twisted peppers, so why? Why does it grow abnormally, how to avoid this abnormality, how to prevent this phenomenon, now go to find the answer together.

1. Poor pollination encounters low temperature, high temperature or heavy rain during the flowering period. As a result of poor flowering, sometimes pollen loses vitality and is useless. Pollination cannot be fertilized or is poorly fertilized. Fruits with poor fertilization will grow abnormally and will deform and bend, failing to maintain their normal shape. In the approximate estimation period, try not to let the flowering period encounter rain, you can properly sow early; there is artificial pollination to ensure the success of fertilization.

2. Insufficient light

The light in the planting area is too shady to receive light, and then the lack of light affects the differentiation of flower buds and the blooming of deformed flowers. If the deformed flowers are inadvertently developed, they will cause deformed fruits and the fruit will also bend. It is best to plant on the sunny land, and do not plant the land surrounded by dense forest and tall trees. Greenhouse planting should sit north to south, and the film chooses good light transmittance.

3. Malnutrition

When the soil lacks nutrition, or the soil itself is poor, it will lead to poor growth of the plant, and the supply of nutrients will be insufficient. First of all, it will be supplied to the plant itself. If the fruit lacks nutrition, it will not keep up with the growth, and then the fruit will bend. Nitrogen fertilizer should be controlled in the early stage of growth, not to grow too vigorously. In the later stage, it will compete for fruit nutrition. It is best to have enough base fertilizer, and do not top dress in the later period, and will not be lack of nutrition.

4. Drought water

During drought, there is little soil moisture, the concentration of the soil solution becomes higher, the concentration increases, the root system cannot absorb, and the absorption is very little, so that nutrients and water will be lacking, so it is easy to bend. Similarly, stagnant water will also affect root growth and absorption, and sometimes suffocation and rot will not be absorbed. Therefore, it is necessary to keep moist, drought to be timely watered for irrigation, accumulated water to dredge and loosen the soil in time.

The bending of peppers is also a kind of fruit deformity, so the impact is caused by some basic environmental conditions and the critical period of flowering and pollination. Appropriate temperature, light, moisture and nutrition can promote normal growth.

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Plant extract

Plant extracts are based on plants as raw materials. According to the needs of the use of the final product extracted, through a physical and chemical extraction and separation process, one or more effective ingredients in the plant are obtained and concentrated, without changing the effective ingredients. The product formed by the structure.
1. According to the content of active ingredients, it can be divided into three types: effective monomer extract, standard extract and ratio extract;
2. Divided into glycosides, acids, polyphenols, polysaccharides, terpenes, flavonoids, alkaloids, etc. according to ingredients;
3. According to the product form, it can be divided into vegetable oil, extract, powder, lens, etc.
4. According to the purpose, plant extracts can be divided into natural pigment products, traditional Chinese medicine extract products, extract products and concentrated products.
There are several classifications of some of the best-selling plant extracts in the world. For example, Rhodiola, Ginkgo biloba, Ginseng extracts are used in the field of brain strengthening, nourishment, and prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's; polypeptide extracts of green tea, Citrus aurantium, apple, and bitter gourd Used in weight loss, lowering blood sugar and preventing diabetes; Paclitaxel, tea polyphenols, theanine, bioflavonoids, such as lycopene, anthocyanins, etc. are used in natural anti-cancer fields; licorice, garlic, astragalus, soybean extract Used in the field of human immune system.

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