Every spring plows fertilizes crops. Many growers use the method of fertilizer spreading and urea to fertilize, but this method of fertilization is not scientific. Nitrogen fertilizer needed in early crops Crops need to consume a large amount of energy during budding and flowering in early spring, and nitrogen fertilizer is the main component of protein in crops. In the flowering period, the crops consume about 70% of the nutrients in the reserve. After flowering, the long branches, fruit set, and young fruit cells also need a lot of nutrients to divide. This has caused the situation that the stored nutrients are not enough, so nitrogen fertilizer must be added once before flowering and germination. Timely supplementation is most effective Nitrogen fertilizers should be used in the critical nitrogen requirement period and the maximum efficiency period of crops. Different crops require different critical fertilizer periods and maximum efficiency periods. They should be treated differently and applied rationally. For example, the critical nitrogen requirement of wheat, corn, and other gramineous crops is at the tillering stage and ear differentiation stage. The maximum nitrogen efficiency stage was wheat from jointing to booting stage, rice from tillering to jointing stage, corn at big bell mouth stage, and tomato at fruiting stage. Fertilize in early spring with water Take fruit trees as an example. If you want fruit trees to stop early and early, you must have sufficient nutrients in spring. However, the effective period of topdressing fertilizer in spring cannot be too long, otherwise the branches will grow continuously and affect flower bud differentiation and fruit expansion. Generally speaking, the effective period of topdressing fertilizer should not exceed 20 days. In general, the effective period of compound fertilizers is much longer than this, and water-soluble fertilizers are more conducive to the absorption of fruit tree roots, and the effect is faster. Pay attention to urea application in early spring Urea phthalamide nitrogen cannot be directly absorbed by crops. It must be converted to ammonium nitrogen by the action of microorganisms in the soil before it can be used. When the temperature is 10 ℃, the conversion time is 7 ~ 10 days, and at 20 ℃, it takes 4 ~ 5 days. In early spring, the ground temperature is generally low and the conversion time is long. Not only cause waste, but also cause late lodging, growth and affect flowering and fruit setting. Disclaimer: Some articles on this website are transferred from the Internet. If third party legal rights are involved, please inform this website to deal with them. phone
1. What is SARMS? Is SARMS a drug? 99% Powder Agmatine Sulfate,Powder Agmatine Sulfate,Agmatine Sulfate Powder Shaanxi YXchuang Biotechnology Co., Ltd , https://www.peptidenootropic.com
SARMS is a selectively targeted androgen receptor modulator.
By regulating the receptivity and availability of androgens to muscle cells, which correspond to Steroids. Steroids are exogenous androgens, while SARMS regulates the absorption and use of androgens in muscles. Both exogenous and endogenous androgens can be regulated. So the results of steroid +SARMS can be imagined!
SARMS is not strictly a drug; it is a substance that sits somewhere between a supplement and a drug.
2. What are the characteristics and advantages of SARMS?
SARMS, a selective androgen receptor modulator, is considered as a bridging compound in bodybuilding that produces similar results to steroids, but without the same side effects. All SARMS do not suppress viscera, have no hepatotoxicity, and do not transfer to females.
3. Introduction of SARMS common categories?
SARMS series of quality products :S4, YK-11, GW-501516, LGD-4033, MK2866, MK-677, RAD-140,LGD-3303, SR9009
Mk-2866: MK2866- Selectively performs anabolic activity on certain ARs, which is very helpful for maintaining and increasing lean meat quality and resilience.
Lgd-4033 - A powerful non-steroidal bodybuilding supplement used to enhance muscle mass and reduce body fat
Ostarine (MK-2866) - Selective anabolic activity, well suited for maintenance