Wolfberry sprout tea, a superior tea, gives off fragrance in Chinese tea history, which is made elaborately of hand-picked tender bud and processed through a moden and scientific technique. It is without any additives and pigments, without caffeine and aminophylline, but rich in bioavtive substance, which is purely health drink nowadays.
Goji sprout tea, the nutrient rich tea, contains amino acids of 18 categories, trace elements such as Ca, Fe, Zn, Se, crude protein, carotene, lactoflavin, nicotinic acid (VB5), folic acid (VB11), catechin, flavone, which are necessary for human body.
Pigments Goji Tea,Unusual Goji Tea,Organic Certificated Goji Berry,Medicinal Goji Tea NINGXIA LOVE GOJI SUPPLY CHAIN CORPORATION , http://www.gojiscm.com
Remove and install steering brake band
After the tractor's steering brake band is damaged, the method of dismantling is: remove all the connecting parts of the main tank, the left and right brackets, the rear axle top cover, and fix the pillars, levers, long pins, and front and rear return of the brake band at the bottom of the rear axle. Spring, loosen the brake limiter at the bottom of the rear axle, open the left and right crawler, one person pulls the front half of the brake belt forward in the arc of the passive drum, and the other person turns the drive wheel and the brake belt can quit automatically. . The installation method is: in the ready-made brake belt pin hole a length of about 600mm No. 8 low-carbon steel wire, inserted along the front of the passive drum, pull out from the rear, pull the edge of the pull, brake belt installed in place After removing the low-carbon steel wire, install the other parts in reverse order. Then adjust the free stroke of the left and right operating levers and left and right brake pedals as required.