Method for detecting meat moisture by three methods


The moisture content in pork was measured by direct drying method, distillation method and halogen moisture meter. Direct drying is the use of the physical properties of water in pork. The dry weight loss in the sample was measured by a volatilization method at a temperature of 101 to 105 ° C, and the moisture content was calculated from the weighing values ​​before and after drying. The method has good parallelism with a relative standard deviation (RSD) of 0.24%. The distillation method utilizes the physicochemical properties of water, and uses a moisture analyzer to distill the moisture in the meat together with toluene or xylene, and calculates the moisture content in the sample based on the volume of the received water. The method has good parallelism with a relative standard deviation (RSD) of 0.44%. The WL-30R meat moisture meter produced by Shenzhen Guanya Moisture Meter Technology Co., Ltd. automatically detects the moisture content through the instrument system. The method has good parallelism with a relative standard deviation (RSD) of 0.37%. The results further prove that the dry measurement results are slightly higher and the precision is good. The direct drying method generally uses the meat rapid moisture analyzer produced by Shenzhen Guanya Moisture Meter Technology Co., Ltd., which is simple and convenient to operate.

The WL-30R fast meat moisture analyzer produced by Shenzhen Guanya Moisture Meter Technology Co., Ltd. can quickly determine the moisture content of various livestock and poultry meats such as pork, beef, lamb, chicken, etc. In the field of meat detection, measurement accuracy and measurement The contradiction between speeds has not been resolved; for this situation, Shenzhen Guanya Moisture Meter Technology Co., Ltd. provides a fast meat moisture measuring instrument with a drying structure. Guanya WL-30R fast meat moisture analyzer is a high-tech product independently researched and produced by our company. It has obtained the national moisture meter intellectual property number. The moisture meter computer software copyright registration certificate number: 2017SR573542; in line with the national standard GB 18394-2001 Poultry meat moisture limit" detection standard . Guanya WL-30R fast meat moisture analyzer simplifies the operation steps of meat moisture measurement, eliminates the influence of human, environment and humidity, shortens the detection time period, and the whole operation time is simple and fast. It is a new type of rapid determination. Instrument for meat moisture. It can be used as an effective testing tool for the market administration to prevent unscrupulous traders from harming the health and interests of consumers.

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