My scientists found that three stem cells can reconstitute embryos in vitro.


My scientists found that three stem cells can reconstitute embryos in vitro.

February 1, 2019 Source: Science and Technology Daily Author: Ma Aiping

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On the 31st, the reporter learned from the State Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology of the College of Biological Sciences, China Agricultural University that the team of Han Jianyong of the laboratory cultured the blastocysts in vitro 3.5 days before implantation into the uterus, resulting in three kinds of unlimited proliferation and more To differentiated stem cell lines, these three stem cells can reconstitute the embryo in vitro and initiate implantation, while the three stem cells can be from different individuals. A few days ago, the paper was published in Nature Communication.

Embryoid-like structures self-assembled by blastocyst-derived stem cells can produce simulated embryogenesis in vitro. The team developed a non-adherent suspension vibration system that uses mouse embryos, trophoblasts, and extraembryonic endoderm stem cells to produce self-assembled embryonic structures.

"The early embryonic development of mice can be divided into two stages: pre-implantation and post-uterine implantation. The mice are cultured in vitro 3.5 days before implantation into the uterus. We obtained three stem cell lines, which are from The embryonic stem cell line of the epiblast layer is derived from the trophoblastic stem cells of the trophectoderm and the extraembryonic endoderm stem cells derived from the primitive endoderm," said Han Jianyong, a journalist and author of the China Agricultural University.

Dr. Zhang Shaopeng and Dr. Chen Tianzhi from China Agricultural University are the co-first authors of the paper. According to Zhang Shaopeng, the researchers developed a simple, rapid, and highly efficient horizontal suspension suspension culture system. Using this culture system, researchers can mass produce a large number of artificial embryos in 3.5cm cell culture dishes.

"We used three kinds of pluripotent stem cells derived from blastocysts to form embryonic-like tissue in vitro and simulate the development of normal embryos after implantation into the uterus. In vivo, embryo transfer can be initiated after the embryos are transplanted into the uterus. This provides a new research model system for studying inter-cell recognition, embryogenesis and development, embryo implantation and tissue regeneration," said Han Jianyong.

The research team finally proved that the polymerized embryo can effectively initiate the embryo implantation reaction, which provides a good model for embryo implantation research.

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