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Vegetable residues of pesticides
Vegetables are often pests in the growing process, especially in the summer with high temperatures and pests are prone to reproduction. The farmers will spray pesticides to control pests. In addition to spraying dimethoate and trichlorfon in organophosphorus pesticides, some vegetable farmers also adopt the highly toxic organophosphorus pesticide methamidophos, which is prohibited in vegetable production. When pesticides are sprayed on vegetables, about 10% of the pesticides fall on the vegetables and the rest falls into the soil or flies into the air. The pesticides attached to vegetables spread through the osmotic action to leaf stems, fruits, and seeds; pesticides that fall in the soil can also be absorbed into the vegetables through the root system again. Some of the pesticides in the growing plants will be decomposed and disappeared after a certain period of time. Some pesticides such as methamidophos are more difficult to decompose. If the concentration of pesticides is too large, the number of sprayings is excessive, and the time from spraying to harvesting is short, the concentration of organophosphorus pesticides remaining in vegetables will be high. People eat vegetables containing high-toxicity and high residual organophosphorus pesticides, which can lead to organophosphorus pesticide poisoning.