Biotest's immunoglobulin drugs significantly improve survival after lung transplantation


Biotest's immunoglobulin drugs significantly improve survival after lung transplantation

May 30, 2018 Source: Sina Pharmaceutical

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In lung transplantation, the presence of donor-specific antibodies (DSA) increases patient mortality while increasing the risk of acute and chronic graft rejection. Approximately 20% to 30% of lung transplant patients will develop DSA. So far, no standard treatment plan for lung transplantation has been established. A recent study conducted at the Hanover Medical School in Germany showed that patients with early DSA after lung transplantation received Pentaglobin (IgM-enriched immunoglobulin) and their survival rate was significantly improved.

Compared with 452 patients without DSA, 128 patients in the Pentaglobin treatment group had a 1-year survival rate of 94%. The data was also significantly higher than the 79% survival rate of 57 patients with plasma replacement history in the DSA. After 1 year, the relative mortality rate dropped by more than 70%.

Professor IgM enriched immunoglobulin eliminates the risk of death from DSA after lung transplantation. The four-year data published now show that patients who received donor-specific antibodies were treated There were no significant differences in outcomes compared with patients who developed donor-specific antibodies."

The indirect comparison with similar data from a French study in which patients received standard immunoglobulin therapy clearly shows the particular importance of Pentaglobin treatment. Although standard immunoglobulin therapy can be used, the survival rate of DSA-positive patients is much lower than in patients without DSA, 41% and 70% after 5 years.

Biotest is the only manufacturer in the world that produces IgM-enriched immunoglobulins. These promising results indicate a breakthrough in the treatment of organ rejection and support the role of Pentaglobin in transplantation therapy.

Pentaglobin is the first and only IGM-enhanced immunoglobulin preparation for intravenous injection. The drug significantly improves survival in patients with severe bacterial infections and works with a variety of bacterial pathogens. It works by rapidly neutralizing bacterial endotoxins and exotoxins and is anti-inflammatory by eliminating over-activated complement factors. Pentaglobin has been licensed in several countries for the treatment of serious bacterial infections combined with antibiotics.

Biotest is a developer of plasma proteins and biopharmaceuticals, focusing on clinical immunology, hematology and intensive medicine. The company's industrial chain has expanded from pre-clinical and clinical development to global sales. The company's main products involve immunoglobulins, blood clotting factors and albumin based on human plasma. In addition, Biotest has developed monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of plasma cell carcinoma and systemic lupus erythematosus. (Sina Pharmaceutical Compilation / David)

Article Reference Source: DGAP-News: Biotest AG: Large data analysis for DSA after lung transplantation confirms impressive therapy outcome with Pentaglobin(R)

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