ECT, an emerging medical imaging technology, has become a good expert in cancer diagnosis


In recent years, in the clinical diagnosis of ophthalmology, dentistry or dermatology, doctors often advise patients to do an OCT scan and then diagnose the patient according to the corresponding imaging. So what is OCT? What are its advantages? What areas can I use?

Emerging medical imaging technology - OCT

According to reports, OCT's Chinese name is optical coherence tomography, which is another medical imaging technology after X-ray, CT, MRI and ultrasound diagnostic techniques. It combines optical technology, ultra-sensitive detection technology and computer image processing technology to quickly obtain high-resolution microscopic images of cross-sections of blood vessels.


One patient is doing an OCT check

What are the advantages of OCT?

As an emerging optical diagnostic technology, OCT has the advantages of non-contact, non-invasive tomography. According to reports, on June 19, 2017, the British "Nature News" magazine published a new study, scientists have improved the new generation of OCT, can more clearly image smaller objects. This new method can "see" the structure in the eyes of living mice and the structure on the fingertips of humans that were previously undetectable by traditional OCT, helping to improve the detection of cancer and retinal diseases.

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