Swedish technology company implants biochips for employees


According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on April 3, in a Swedish startup called Epicenter, employees can choose to implant a rice-sized chip in their tiger's mouth. After the implant, shopping, opening the door, and operating the printer will become "waving."

“The biggest benefit of this approach is convenience,” said Epicenter co-founder and CEO Patrick. Patrick Mesterton said, "After implanting the chip, a lot of things are not needed, such as keys, bank cards." Epicenter has more than 2,000 employees, and since January 2015, the company has started Employees provide chip implant services. At present, about 150 employees have chosen to implant chips in their own bodies, and they warmly welcome new members.


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In fact, this is not a new technology, but before this, the technology is mainly used in pets, and some companies use it to track logistics, but it is the first to implant the chip into the human body. Like other technologies, the human body chip has raised some concerns about security and privacy issues.

The chip uses Near Field Communication (NFC), which has the same principle as contactless credit card and mobile payment. It can be activated by a card reader device a few centimeters away, and the bidirectional flow of information is achieved by electromagnetic waves. Ben Libberton, a microbiologist at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, says hackers can get vast amounts of information from embedded microchips. "Conceptually, we can read the employee's health status, working frequency, working hours and other information from the chip, and even know if he or she is in the toilet," Libberton said, but he also has Doubt: Who will use this information collected by the chip? What is the purpose of the user?

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