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Six Ways to Store Spinach in Winter
First, the ordinary frozen method requires refrigerated spinach is generally frozen on the ground at night, at the noon can harvest when frozen. When harvesting, take a root with a length of about 1.6 centimeters, remove the dirt, tidy up the bundles, and brew about 2 kilograms each, place the dew in the shade, and freeze them when the weather turns cold. Storage sites should be selected in the shade, flatten the ground, dig 35 cm wide and deep groove, groove spacing 5 to 10 cm, the spinach root hem into the ditch, the total thickness of 25 cm. In the cold season, grasshoppers and the like can be added to the above conditions to maintain the temperature in the ditch at -8°C to -5°C. Second, the ventilation trench frozen method to overcome the general frozen method can not adjust the temperature of the defects can be used ventilation dredge frozen method. The ditch is 1.5 meters wide and 0.5 meters deep. Divide two ventilation channels with a width of 25 cm at the bottom of the ditch. Ventilation channels are connected at both ends. The ventilation rods are horizontally laid and the spinach bundles are placed on the poles. Hide the same. When the weather is warm, use air passages to exchange outside cold air. After the weather turns cold, use grass to block the air passages, turn on the spring air and turn it on gradually. Third, the warm storage method to dig 75 cm wide, 60 cm deep ditch, between the beginning of winter to light from the dish, then spinach root placed down the ditch, covered with a layer of Ganlan leaves, ditch cover grass hay. Afterwards, the grass is covered with cold weather, so that the inside of the ditch is maintained at 0°C to 2°C. Fourth, the frozen ground method in the harvest before 5 to 6 days, the spinach site leveling, splashing a layer of water to ensure that there is no soil thawing is appropriate. When storing vegetables, first sprinkle some leaves or leaves to lay the bottom, and then put a bundle of spinach on top of it, and then cover it with vegetables or leaves around the dish. There should be about 10 to 12 centimeters. When the inside of the spinach is frozen, cover it with 10cm thick semi-dry sand to prevent loss of water from the leaves. Fifth, the combined method of frozen selection of well-grown spinach and a combination of frozen joints, each combination of three pods, of which the left one and the right one for the dish, the middle one for the frozen oysters. Before freezing, use the shovel to cut the roots of the frozen Tibetan spinach completely. The depth of the root is 1.5 cm. It should not be disturbed when the whole shovel is used. In the same way, the two right and left spinach are scooped up and covered in the middle of the frozen pupa. The leaves are facing downwards and the roots are up. The three wolfberry spinach are combined into one pod. On the day of storage, the surface of the pods will be buried in soil. , Pat, so close between the upper and lower layers of spinach, to prevent the cold wind entered, when the temperature is too low, then cover a layer of 7 to 10 cm thick fine soil, using this method can be stored to the equinox of the following year. Sixth, modified atmosphere cold storage before the storage of vegetables per cubic meter with 15 grams of sulfur ignited fumigation warehouse, closed 24 to 26 hours disinfection, after the release of the library temperature down to -2 °C. The spinach with 2 cm long roots and a pound-and-bundle of spinach is placed on a shelf, and the vegetables are equilibrated in a plastic bag with a size of 100 centimeters and 80 centimeters at the temperature of the dish and the temperature of the store, and the bag is fastened. Generally 10 to 13 kilograms per bag, temperature inside the library is controlled at -1 °C ~ 0 °C, humidity is controlled at 95%, if there is water in the bag you should add lime to absorb moisture. After bagging, naturally reduce oxygen by breathing. When the partial pressure of oxygen in the bag reaches 6%, the bag is opened and the oxygen is released. The oxygen partial pressure reaches 18% to 21%, and then it is closed again. After one week, the carbon dioxide in the bag rises again to 5% to 6%. Bags let off. This is repeated until the end of storage.