Artificial blood technology has reached a new level and can benefit mankind in 10 years


Artificial blood technology has reached a new level and can benefit mankind in 10 years

December 13, 2016 Source: Global Times - World Wide Web

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According to British media reports on December 6, the University of Washington team led by Dr. Allan Doctor has now developed the artificial blood ErythroMer, which has been proven effective in animals and is expected to be used to treat the wounded in the next decade.

The red blood cells in artificial blood are only two percent of the size of human red blood cells and can be stored dry at room temperature in powder form. Dr. Allan Doctor said, "Basically artificial blood looks like chili powder." Artificial blood can be stored in IV plastic bags with a shelf life of up to one year or more. Medical staff can place it in an ambulance or in a backpack. When it is used, inject sterile water, mix it, and use it.

Artificial blood ErythroMe mimics the structural function of human red blood cells, carries oxygen transport, and slowly releases oxygen during blood circulation. In experiments conducted on mice, the researchers replaced a large amount of blood in mice with artificial blood. It turns out that artificial cells can carry oxygen to the tissues of the body like the cells of the animals themselves. Further experiments have also shown that artificial blood can resuscitate 40% of shock animals with blood loss.

This may happen in a normal accident. The casualty has signs of life at the beginning, but he lost his life due to blood circulation shock on the way to the hospital. This is because external bleeding or internal bleeding can cause a lot of blood loss, which leads to the body tissue not getting enough oxygen to start dying. Although artificial blood can not completely replace human blood, they can get timely blood transfusions and get time for them to stay in the hospital for treatment.

Dr. Allan Doctor said, “At present, there is no simple and feasible method in the world that can send timely blood to most of the wounded outside the hospital. Delayed rescue will obviously bring bad results. Our goal is to get the wounded to get Timely and effective treatment."

Previous artificial blood has problems with poor oxygen release and inability to adapt to the body's pH, but ErythroMe has overcome these difficulties. In addition, the artificial blood can also avoid heart disease or stroke problems caused by vasoconstriction.

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